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mikelsons_for_life is writing the obx version


Just like any other day at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry there sat at the Gryffindor house of the Brave sat two main groups that are really close friends known as The Marauders and the Female marauders. The groups is very popular among other students at Hogwarts for their skills and pranks that they sometime do against each other along with others. Everyone knows how much one of the Marauders love a Marauder-Dette but also knows how much she acts like she dislikes him even though it's fake.

The Marauders consists of 4 boys. PETER PETTIGREW, a boy who loves food and is currently stuffing his face with the deliciousness right now as he always does and tries not to pay attention to the love birds next to him, SIRIUS BLACK, who is giving loving looks to one of his best mates REMUS LUPIN, as Remus is quite oblivious to the looks to engaged into the book he's reading and the chocolate he's eating to notice the looks one of his best "mates" is giving him, and Lastly you have James Potter, who is staring at a redhead muggle born that sits near by. The girl he's been trying to court since he met her in diagon alley. The girl he's been in love with for years since 1st year.

The Female Marauders or as some call them the Sassy Six and they consists of LILY EVANS, a redhead muggleborn that was currently dating MARY MCDONALD, a really sweet and kind girl who is always bubbly which matches lily a lot and she was sitting next to MARLENE MCKINNON, who has her head laid on her girlfriend DORCAS MEADOWES. The last two girls in this group of six are AURORA MAYBANK, and her best friend AJ ROUTLEDGE but her real name is Ashlyn Jane Routledge. Aurora or Rory as some call her is currently writing a letter to her older brother JJ, she is a beautiful redhead that a certain someone is in love with. As James Potter stares at her with a look of love on his face for the girl who calls him an arrogant toe-rag.

Her best friend AJ is a blonde haired girl who is currently sitting and readings book that has her very interested. Everyone seemed very calm or as calm as they normally are when the summer is approaching. Everyone was excited to their family. Everyone but a group of Slytherins. This group of Slytherins consist of REGULUS BLACK, Heir to the most noble and ancient house of Black, BARTY CROUCH JR, heir to the noble house of Crouch, and EVAN ROSIER heir to the most noble and ancient house or Rosier. This is only because they have a horrible relationship with their family and they knew they'd have to take the dark mark willingly or not this summer and they are all terrified.

The great hall doors suddenly slammed open and in walked The Lestranges, The Blacks, The Potters, The Ministry, The Crouchs, The Evans, The Rosiers, Aurora and AJ friends and family and lastly The Aurors. "Albus, What is the meaning of this!" the old bat Walbarga Black screamed to the HeadMaster.

This causes Dumbledore to stand to address the new arrivals that just arrived "I, last night got a letter telling me that we will be watching the future and you all was asked to come" He says calmly as everyone looked around before talking over each other.

He soon got control of the Situation and many people left the room -who didn't want to be there.

The movies soon arrived and everyone sat around as Minnie put everything in as the first movie turned on.

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