~The First Patrol~

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It was just as anyone would expect, Xiao was taking notes in class while Ganyu stayed home from school today to take care of Qiqi. Only his friends knew this information... wait, he didn't really socialize with people, so no one really knew that. It was starting to grow tense in the classroom and Xingqiu glanced at his deskmate, Xiao.
"Hey! Don't you know what's going to happen today?"
"I can sense the tension around the room. Why? Is it something important?"

"Yes! I can guarantee you that it is!"

"Explain it to me then, Xingqiu."

Since Xingqiu was Xiao's only friend, he would let him explain what was going on so that this *something* that was confusing would start to make sense to him and hopefully piece together for the first time. He never really paid attention to reoccurring events during the time he attended this school and he definitely wondered if there was going to be something he could do about these powers.... He wasn't sure if it would be right to ask his Professor.

Right then, he stopped zoning out and then heard the last of what Xingqiu had been explaining

"And that is what is happening today..."

"Wait... Can you repeat that?"
"Were you not paying attention to me?"

"No..." Xiao shook his head and then bit his tongue, a little embarrassed. He didn't want to admit to the other that he had zoned out like that. He was just so tired from yesterday that he really couldn't control his tendencies. Sleeping sounded nice right now...

"Since it seems I have to be a broken record," he joked before continuing on "today is a mandatory visit from the Elemental Continental Force of Education! They're here to ---" Xingqiu had gotten interrupted by the teacher ringing the bell on his podium. The professor was standing up with a more military posture for a reason that was just explained to him by Xingqiu... a mandatory patrol? For what?

"Attention class: as you know, the ECFoE is going to come to our school to check on our defense mechanisms that protect us against the monsters from a rift outbreak ten years ago. You're all old enough to know what this is and what happened that decade ago. If somehow, you've been living underneath a rock, then allow me to enlighten you of that tragedy..." the professor had paused.

Xiao looked at the podium with disbelief... had his father not informed him about this?


"Yes, Professor?"
"Step outside. You aren't allowed to listen to this lecture..."
Xiao just blinked in confusion and then went outside of the classroom and sat on the floor... why did his father not want him learning about something this important? Was it because of his powers being dangerous or something or was it something else?

What could it have meant? He had no idea.


-Inside the classroom-

Xingqiu rose his hand before the reinformation of this crisis occurred,

"Professor, why can't Xiao listen to this?"
"His father sent me an email the other day that he is not allowed to learn of this tragedy until he can control his elemental mutation himself. Otherwise, he will be left in the dark."

"That sounds stupid."
"It is not, Xingqiu. If you take a moment to think about it, his father is only trying to keep him from fearing his strength. He doesn't want him going out there with no training of his powers against one of those beasts! he just wants to make sure he doesn't do anything reckless! Now, sit tight while I explain this, Mister Xingqiu."

Xingqiu pouted and listened to this lecture.

"Years ago, there was a rift that appeared in the elemental barrier around our Nation. This rift was dangerous and spawned monsters all over Teyvat. Some of these monsters were stronger than others. These monsters tend to be very dangerous and only the students, trainees and officers of the ECFoE can take on these monsters. Students are the lowest ranked agents and Officers are the highest ranked Agents. They fight these monsters to keep our world safe. They also make sure our safety mechanisms are intact and working once every week. However, since it's the first Saturday of the year that this is happening, I have to do the mandatory retelling of the events that occurred and what they do when they come to patrol. They will be arriving in a few short minutes. You should see their nametag with their ID number and ECFoE on the top of the badge. If they have three stars on their bag, they are an Officer. The stars are important. Remember, one is a student agent, two is a trainee agent. You all understand that, correct?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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