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Bombs and gun shots are all I hear going off

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Bombs and gun shots are all I hear going off. I lead my way to the cells. Shooting anyone in my fucking way.

I haven't seen Ivan yet. He's probably hiding like a fucking pussy.

Once I find the cellars, I make my down each one till one catches my eye. Alana. She sits on the floor, holding her ears, head down. From the noises.

"Alana" I call her name. She looks up and smiles at me, then frowns. She shakes her head quickly.

"Alana, get up and come." I demand. I want to get out of here.

She shakes her head and mouths to me. "Run." I shake my head. What is she doing?

An arm wraps around my neck and pulls me into the cell with them. I try to hit him, but it doesn't work. What the fuck?

"You fucking pussy." I cough out. I knew it was Ivan. He was chocking me with his arm while grunting. Did he struggle that much? I grab his arm and twist it, he screams out in pain and lets go of me. I turn around and punch him in the face, then I slam a chair down on his face, making him pass out from the hit. Fucking bitch.

I turn around and face Alana, she's sobbing. I knee down to her level, gripping her chin. "It's alright. I'm here now, baby." She nods her head and hugs me. I grab her waist and carry her out to the car.

"Finish them." I tell my team. They all nod, then pass the message. I just want to go home with my girl.


I held her in the back seat the entire ride, not letting go of her. We walk into the house and go straight up to the room. She turns to me and starts crying again. I hold her until she lets go.

"H-He did things to me, Hudson. He hurt me." She sobs, barely getting out the sentence.

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I admit and rub my hand down and up her back. She shakes her head.

"It's not." She replies. I sigh, not wanting to fight with her right now. I guided her to the bathroom and helped her undress and shower. Once she's done showering, she eats and sleeps.

Then I take her down to the doctors room. Which is across the house, next to the maid's rooms. The doctor does a test. He does an STD test, aids, etc. I hold her hand the whole time while he checks her vagina. She hates these kinds of tests, but knows she has to do it.

Once we are done that, she sleeps and eats more. The only way she sleeps is if I'm next to her. So, I work while she cuddles half of my side, which I don't mind.

One night, I had to sneak down into the cellars to kill Ivan. I didn't want Alana to know that he was in the house.

My cellphone rings, buzzing on the night stand. I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" I ask.

"Boss, we got him. He's down here." One of the guards told me.

"Alright, I'll be down soon." I hang up. I get out of bed silently.

Once I get to the cell, I have my weapons.

"Hello" I smirked at Ivan. His head was purple from the chair I smacked him with. That's just the beginning. I grab my knife, clippers, and matches.

"Easy way or the hard way?" I asked.

He hesitated before speaking, "E-Easy." He told me.

I laughed. Alana didn't have that option. "Did Alana have that option?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Okay, then why should you?" I asked. I grabbed the match and lit it. I place the match on his bruise and he screams. I smile.

"We're just getting started." I chuckled.


Two Weeks Later:

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Two Weeks Later:

Today is the day I get to see everyone for the first time in a while. Hudson was very protective over me these past weeks. No one would be able to see me beside him and the doctor. Which, I don't mind, because I wanted to see Greyson when I was at my best. Today, I feel a lot better.

I put on gray sweatpants and one of Hudson's sweatshirts. I didn't want to show any skin right now, as I was healing. I still had some bruises and scars. I put my hair up into a claw clip, wanting it out of my face. Then some chapstick. My face was also bruised, the doctor told me no make up, so I'm stuck with chapstick. I thought I looked hideous, but Hudson thinks otherwise.

Hudson and I walk down the stairs, to the living, hand in hand. He was gripping my hand, as I played with his rings. I was a bit nervous. Once I see Greyson, I break out into a smile. He runs into my arms and hugs me. I hug him tightly back.

"I love you so much Aunt K! I missed you. P-Please don't ever leave me again." I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

"I won't buddy." I sigh and hug him tighter. A baby cries catches me off guard. Huh? I look up and find Mia smiling at me, while holding a little person. I kiss Greyson's head, before standing up and walking over to her. i give her a hug, then look down at the little girl.

"Her name is Isabella." Mia smiles.

"Perfect." I look up and find Jessica in the corner. I walk over to her and hug her. I catch her off guard, but then she smiles and hugs me harder.

"I'm so sorry." She rubs my back. I forgave her.

"It's okay, Jessica. I understand." She shakes her head.

"No, I was petty and jealous you had a better relationship with my son than me. I should've been there all the time, but I wasn't. You were. I apologize. But I'm here now and I want and need to be a mom, for you and Greyson." She cries. I nod my head and hug her again.

I hug Ella, Ace, Ceclia, Jack, Alex, and Aidan. They were all my family, and I couldn't be happier. I just couldn't wait for Hudson to ask me out, so we can maybe create our own little family.

That's exactly what we did.

The End!


Word Count: 1126!

A/N: So sad that this series is over, but it was fun to make. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. I know it wasn't the best Mafia Story. I will always go back and edit things.

Thank you so much for supporting me and this story(s)!

Xoxo, Author!

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