1. Chapter - A Brewing Storm

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A gust of wind blew through the palace, as a young girl with silver hair paced down a hallway. She held her head high, but the expression of annoyance was clearly written all over her face.

As she reached the end of the hallway, she sharply looked at a door to her right and reached her hand out, not to knock, but ...

A strong wind appeared out of nowhere, and the door literally exploded out of its place. With a loud clonk it fell to the floor.

Inside was a luxurious room with a bed. And inside that bed lay a boy, who rubbed his eyes as the girl approached.

"Oh, now you're awake, sleepyhead. Did you rest well?" Her voice was overflowing with hostility, but the boy just yawned.

"Yeah, actually I did. How are you?"

"Could it be possible that you forgot something? I mean, something rather important?"

"Did I?" he didn't look bothered at all, until his eyes suddenly popped wide open. "Wait, how late is it?"

"The council meeting has already started."

"You mean ..."

"Yeah. You're totally too late."

He jumped out of bed.

The girl emitted a high-pitched screak and turned away from him. "In all the nine worlds! Could you please dress yourself!!"

"Oh, sorry."

A few minutes later, they walked side-by-side, back through the hallway.

In dull silence, the only sounds were their shoes clacking on the polished marble floor.

"So ... how are you doing? I noticed that you did not answer me before." The boy tried to break the awkward silence.

She peeked at him. "You know what? I would be better if you finally learned how to wake up by yourself, dumbass. You're old enough."

"I am?"

"More than enough."

"But did it not start anew, when I was born-again?"

"I guess, but even then ..." She sighed. "Tell me, how old are you?"

"I'm ..."—he counted with his fingers—"oh, yeah, that is right, today is my twelfth birthday!"

"And that concludes to what?"

"... today is your birthday too. Happy bi—"

"Thank you, but not now. And, you know what, enough of that in general. There are more important things to be cared about. We're at war."

"We are what now?"

"War. You know?"

He took a deep breath. "Okay, what did you do?"

"I declared war, and now we're at war." She said it without even looking at him.

"Yeah, I guessed that far, but ... okay, first of all, why?"

She shrugged. "Birthday present. Wasn't it our plan to conquer the world anyway?"

"I mean, maybe, but could you not at least have told me about this beforehand?"

"You were asleep, or am I wrong?"

"You could have waked me up earlier!"

"Who do you think I am?! Your Mother?"

"Of course not."

"Then stop complaining."


"Now come on, we don't have all day!"

They fastened their pace and arrived at a great hall with a long table in it.

The only free seats were at one end of the table. The other seats were occupied by four sturdy looking men on each side, which, how the boy noticed, looked awfully pale.

The two of them sat down.

"Now that we are—finally—complete", the girl began, "let's continue with our meeting."

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