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Ranboo's POV

I was running down the Prime Path, looking for Tommy. He texted me that he was on the Prime Path and that he needed help. I eventually found him laying down a hand on his thigh. Struggling to try and sit up.

"Prime! Tommy, are you ok?!" I asked. It was a rhetorical question. I knew he wasn't. I sat down next to him and lifted his head slightly to see his face. "Ranboo?" Tommy said then coughed blood. "Prime Strawberry! What happened?!" He would normally lie and say he slipped or something but this is serious! "I jumped from a tower trying to LMG and I fucked up my body." Tommy groaned after he said that. "I'm gonna get you home ok?" I said as I picked him up. Normally he would protest but instead he winces in pain.

I jogged down the Prime Path to get to Tommy's house. Being careful as to not cause too much pain to Tommy but being fast due to being much taller.

-Few Minutes Later-

I opened the door to Tommy's house and went to his room. "Boo? What are you doing here?" I turned my head and saw Timothy, Tommy's youngest kid. I mumbled "Crap". Tommy groaned in pain. "Mimi is hurt. Go get your siblings and you can help me patch up Mimi. Ok?" I said. This'll give me a few extra eyes to keep on Tommy. "Is Mimi ok?" Timmy questioned. "Mimi's ok but he's hurt. Go get your siblings for Boo ok?"

I said again. They nodded and flew to get his siblings. I put Tommy carefully onto his bed. Tommy winced. "owww"

Timmy flew back in with Rou, Shroud and Clementine. "Is Mimi ok?!" Rou shouted. "Guys, Mimi is ok. He's in pain though. Can you keep an eye on him and make sure he stays awake while I get the bandages?" I said taking off my suit jacket and my tie. "Ok!" They said and ran up next to the bed. I went to grab a bowl, bandages, water, soap, and napkins. Tommy's wounds weren't that deep but I need to stop the bleeding so it doesn't get infected.

I went back to Tommy's room. The kids were asking questions and I put down the bowl with the stuff in it. "Tim?" "Yeah?" "Can you go get me a rubber band for my hair so I can see Mimi better?" "Ok!" Timmy flew to the kids' room to get a hair tie. " "Shroud, Clem, Rou you three are going to help me stop Mimi from bleeding." "Ok!" "Sure!" "Got it!" Timmy came back with a pink scrunchie. "Thank you Tim. Can you go sit next to Mimi and hold his hand? Like he does when I clean your boo-boos?" "Ok!" I put my hair in a tight bun as Tim ran over to Tommy and held his hand. Tommy squeezed Timmy's hand. I told Shroud, Rou and Clem to carefully clean his face and talk to him while I put pressure on his leg.

Tommy hissed in pain. "OW! RANBOO!" I could see Tommy squeezing poor Timmy's hand. "I'm sorry Strawberry but I have to stop the bleeding." I eventually got the bleeding to stop. Shroud, Rou and Clem finished cleaning Tommy's face. "Strawberry this is gonna sting for a few seconds but it'll help." "Can I hold your hand Boo? I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt Tiny Tim." "You can hold my upper arm instead. I need my hands to hold your leg and clean it." "Ok..." Tommy gripped my upper arm tight. I put the soap on a gause and gently cleaned the cut on Tommy's leg. "AH! OWW!" Tommy said as he squeezed "I'm trying to be gentle Strawberry. I'm sorry." "Stop apologizing for shit you can't control!" "I'm almost done Strawberry." "OW! FUCK!" "Kids don't repeat what Mimi is saying." "We know." "Ok. Done it's clean." "Thank fuck" "Now I'm gonna disinfect." "FUCK!" "This is gonna hurt a lot. You can squeeze as hard as you want. Kids, I want you to try and get some sleep in your room. I'll finish with Mimi." "Ok. Goodnight Boo! Goodnight Mimi!" All four of them hugged and kissed him goodnight. "Goodnight sweethearts. Sweet Dreams." "Night Mimi! We love you!" "I love you too kiddos." The kids went to their room to get ready for bed. "Get ready ok, this is gonna hurt." I started disinfecting his leg. I was trying to be gentle but it'll hurt. "OW! MOTHER FUCKER! AH! SON OF A BITCH THAT HURTS!" Tommy was squeezing my arm so tight I thought I lost circulation.

"It's ok Strawberry. You're doing so good. I'm sorry I can't help the pain but it's so it doesn't cause more damage later." "STOP APOLOGIZING! OW! FOR SHIT YOU CAN'T CONTROL! FUCK!" "Done! You did so well, Strawberry." I tried not to cause pain to Tommy, stood up, leaned over to the top of Tommy's head and brushed my hand in his long, fluffy hair. I softly kissed the top of his head as a reward for him being so brave and patient while I was cleaning his leg. He hugged my torso and let go when I got up again to wrap his leg.

"Tell me if it's too tight, ok?" "Ok." Tommy sleepily said. He was always calmer and sweeter with me. I carefully put a non-adhesive pad on his leg and wrapped it. "It's not too tight?" "No, it's fine." Tommy was trying to keep his eyes open. I finished wrapping it and put some waterproof tape on it to make sure it'll stay. I heard soft snores and looked up to see Tommy fast asleep. I texted Tubbo explaining why I ran out so fast and that I was going to stay at Tommy's for a few nights.

I got up to wash my hands off. I drank a water resistant potion and made sure to scrub my hands. I walked to the kids room to check on them. I opened the door and they were asleep. I tucked them in and turned on the night light and off the actual light and quietly shut the door. I turned off the lights in the house and went back to Tommy's room. I opened the door and quietly shut the door. I walked over to Tommy and took off his shoes and belt. I pulled the blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I was gonna go to the guest room when a sleepy Tommy grabbed my wrist. "Cuddles please?" I sighed. "One second Strawberry. I have to change first." "Ok..." He let go of my wrist and I went to his closet. I have a few clothes here just in case, as well as a Toothbrush, Shampoo and Conditioner. I grabbed my Pajamas and changed quickly. I lifted the covers, or as Tommy calles it, the "duvet". Tommy rolls onto my side and cuddles his face in my chest 'cute <3'. I drifted to sleep softly kissing the top of Tommy's head.


Hi guys I made a Oneshot book. There might be some parts if I want to or feel like it, but it's mostly Oneshots. Feel free to add requests or judge my grammar and spelling.

Mama, Dada, Sibling... Are you proud of me? 🥺   

Tomboo/Allium duo Oneshots (cover not mine)Where stories live. Discover now