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Inside Starcourt Mall, there were hundreds of kids, couples, and families roaming about. The new name brand stores, larger than life movie theatre, and food court of endless opportunities made for one hell of a summer hotspot. In one store in particular, sat a short-haired teen atop the counter, head hung low as she scribbled through the daily newspaper.

Nose-deep in her own world, she missed another girl, around the same age, walk into the shop, eyes trying to met the other's before she announced herself.

"Hey," You say, trying to get the attention of the girl behind the counter.

The girl looks up from her crossword puzzle with the usual bored expression she gave to customers who dared to make her actually work. Though, once she takes in the other girl, her indifferent expression was then replaced by one of slight intrigue by the customer across from her as she sets the paper aside. It was then when she acknowledged who you were, eyebrows raising a little.

You're Harrington's little sister. The one she's gone to school with since grade six. Not that you'd changed much since school let out a few weeks ago, she just never assuming you be here talking to her."H-hi, um, what can I do for you?" She asks, sliding off the counter.

"I'm looking for Steve. Harrington. About yay tall, stupidly large hair." You say, gesturing his height over your head.

"Oh, yeah. He went out back," she gesturing to the door behind her with a thumb, "but he'll be back any minute now."

"Great." You began, before sliding over the counter and beside her, missing the way her eyes widened at your actions. "I'll just wait here then."

"Wait, you can't come back here," the blonde rushed out, "you'll get me fired."

"Sure I can, and no you won't. I'm the new hire." You explain extending a hand. "Y/n Harrington."

You knew who she was, and surely she knew you, but was the type of familiarity that didn't go beyond sharing a few classes every few years, so you assumed you should formally introduce yourself to Robin. You held out your hand, meeting her gaze as you waited for her to shake. Though she never did, she just.. stared. You laugh dryly before retracting your hand. "Not a shaker, noted."

She began to open her mouth to defend herself, but she was mere seconds too late, as your older brother came swinging in from the back room to join the pair of you.

Steve walls up to your side, nudging Robin in the process as he smiles, "Now, Robin, is that any way to greet our newest sailor?"

She blinks quickly, shaking her head at the ground, as she was annoyed by his antics and slightly anxious by her, apparently, new coworker.



"Do I really have to wear this?"

"Do you wanna keep your job?"

"Please. I'm here for training, technically I'm not even working yet." You argue.

"Yeah, well, if you show up two hours late tomorrow like you did today, you never will." Steve rebuttals.


You and Steve were in the break room of Scoops' Ahoy where he was currently giving you a lecture about the "timeliness and responsibility" that comes with having a job. Though, as he paced back and forth across the small room, you found it hard to take him seriously.

Come on. This was coming from the guy who spent every weekend shitface drunk or in some random girl's bed and had barely managed to graduate with the class of '85.

"I'm serious." He said, stopping in front of you with a hand on his left hip, the other pointing a you. "You need to take this seriously."

"Steve." You say, walking up to him, leaning up to the whisper in his ear. "We scoop ice cream for a living, relax." You pat him on the back and smiled before joining Robin in the front.

"So," you say leaning against the back wall, "Show me the ropes."

"Well, it's pretty simple, really. Give the customers our lame-ass greeting, offer them the flavor of the week, scoop, and ring 'em up."

You nod. Simple enough.
"What's this lame-ass greeting?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"I'd love to tell you...if I could remember it. I don't think I've said that shit since I got hired," she says, a corner of her lips pulling into a small smirk.

You scoff with a smile. "And Steve had the nerve to give me shit about 'rules and responsibility.' Seems you're the one he should be cracking down on."

"Steve? Talking about responsibility? The irony," she laughs.

"I know right?"

"And hey, last time I checked you're the newbie, I'm the trainer, who holds all the wisdom and shit, so if there's gonna be any cracking down, believe me, I'm not the one who should be worried," she says, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

You narrow your eyes at her slightly. "What's that supposed to mean, Buckley?"

Robin hums in feigned ignorance. "I don't know newbie, best not find out, huh?"

You watch as she walks to the back room, eyes not leaving yours with a small quirk of her brow. You shake your head, a ghost of a smile on your features.

This is gonna be an interesting summer.

summer of love: the l word seriesWhere stories live. Discover now