∴⍑𝙹 ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ 1.2

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///tw: language///

"What do you want?" you demanded. The man's head shot up when he realized he wasn't alone.

"Hello?" he called, eyes scanning for a person. It was dark outside and there were no lights inside so it was rather hard to see in the building which made.

"What do you want?" you repeated, fingers twitching towards another knife. The stranger's eyes were finally adjusting and he seemed to gather that you were threatening him with something. He quickly fumbled,

"I just wanted a place to hide!" He stood up rather quickly, and since you were still on edge, you chucked the knife at the door. The blade landed just above his shoulder, pinning his nice blouse to the wood. He yelped and froze. Looking back up at you, he finally noticed you holding yet another knife. "I was running from the royal guard and your place was the first closed and unlocked building I could find! That's it, I swear!" Narrowing your eyes, you took a few steps closer to him and searched his face. The corner of your mouth twitched.

"Why were you running from the royal guard, blondie?"

"I didn't break any laws, if that's what you're wondering." He didn't correct you on his hair color, so you knew that you were right.

I'm sure, you thought.

"Then why were they chasing you?"

"I enjoy tormenting them, but I don't actually do anything," he grumbled. From the sound of his tone, you gathered he must be a teenager. A spoiled one at that. Also, if he was an actual teen, he wouldn't have used the words 'enjoy' or 'tormenting' which led you to believe he was of higher status. He shouldn't be roaming around the poorer parts of the city.

The strange boy started to sweat as you continued glaring at him. His nervousness wasn't calmed when you put a hand over his shoulder. After a second of staring, you grabbed the knife and yanked it out of the door with ease, breathing a chuckle when you heard the man sigh in relief.

"What's your name, stranger?" you asked as you tucked the two knives back into the small pouch they resided in.

"Tommy." He left it at that, and you were grateful that you didn't have to give a last name.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy. I'm y/n."

"Y/n?" he repeated. "That's kind of a boring name."

"Well, so is yours, but you don't hear me complaining about it, now do you?" you shot at him as you walked back to the counter you always sat behind. The blond let out a short explosive laugh.

"No one's ever talked to me like that," he snickered. You raised an eyebrow. What the hell did that mean?

"Should I be talking to you like you're the king?" you drawled as you reached into the drawer and pulled out the coins. Looking up at the blond, you did a fake bow as you deadpanned, "Please forgive me your majesty, for I have sinned terribly." He laughed again, although this one was more towards the nervous side. What you didn't notice as you dropped the money into your pouch was him quickly touching his head in a panicked way.

"Shit," he swore quietly.

"You good?" The drawer shut as you looked up at Tommy. He quickly flashed you a grin.

"Absolutely!" That reeked of lies, but you let it slide.

"So what do you do, Tommy?" you asked, turning around to head into the back of the shop where you lived. He followed as you flicked on the lights

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