Anytime friend.

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    I finally did it! I finished college, I can now work as a scientist and prove my theory on the 'alternative universe'

Prince was excited, he finally got a high paying job as a scientist. Once he got there, he regretted everything.

"Hey! You must be the new guy! Dr.."

Prince was in shock, not by the person.. but by the surroundings. Not in a good way, everything was a mess. Beakers broken and spilt on the floor, small cages and testing rooms, he was devastated..

"Sir? Are you alright?" They asked waving his hand infront of the stranger's face.

"Ah- yes apolgizes! I am Dr.Keller. Prince Keller." He was so astonished by the surroundings but hopefully the people were better..

"Are you some sort of Prince?" They joked. "Im Tim, Professer Howard. I run the testing and funding services. So if you have a certain experiment you come to me and I will give you a yes or no and then give you funds for it!"

Prince knew this guy was good news, Prof. Howard showed him around, and introduced him into the creatures and things they have found recently.

"... and this is the most recent thing we found, its like a tentical or tendril, it seems to be cut off by something and it's really slimy.." He shrugged it off and went to introduce Prince with the rest of the crew


Prince's official first day, he had so many ideas! He wanted to clean the place, tell his plans all of that! He walked in, signed the sheet, and got his name tag.

He walked to the meeting room and saw some people there wating. Prince sat along with them and then someone else came in, they were tan and had brown hair, hazel eyes, they were tall and seemed mean but Prince didn't want to judge so soon.

"Listen up everyone, we have finished our last project, which thank you to everyone who participated." A few people clapped and he calmed them down. Their name tag said Mr.Cloverly

Prince stared at them for a while, looking focus until they spoke and said.

"We need a new idea. New project to work on." Some people started to mutter but Prince shot his hand up. "Yes. New guy?"

"I've had this theory for a while! So what if there are alternative universe?" He smiled, but then some people sniggered. He shrugged it off assuming it was what someone else said. "Like where no one is human, or where everything is in space! There is an infinite amount of them!"

"New guy, I'm sorry to disappoint but we don't make 'teleporters'." Some people started to actually laugh, Prince shriveled up, Tim looked at him and shook his head.

The laughs ended and Mr.Cloverly said to just study the new subject and do some research about the forest. Prince let out a breath and looked at Tim, He lead him to a big storage area and looked around.

"You seem really interested and invested- and I want to help, so- this may be wrong but we can build the portal here."

Prince lit up. "Really!" He whispered yelled. "I can't belive it- thank you." He smiled,

"Anytime! But let's lay low for a while-" He chuckled and they both agreeded, he started to do some research about the recent thing and the creatures.

The tendril.. it's so interesting. What's that? Its a bell! What's a bell doing in the cage?

"Mr! There is a bell in the cage with the- Tentical." No one seemed to notice or care.

"You have permission to examine it." Cloverly shooed him away and went into his office.

Prince nodded and slowly opened the cage, he then closed it behind him. The tentical seemed unactive and harmless at the point, he grabbed the bell and looked at the tip of the tendril. They were the same size, he walked to it and placed it on. It was active now, it jumped and made the bell ring.

"Aw- its.. cute!" He giggled as it went into Prince's hand. It got comfy and went inactive he wrote with his left hand, he could write with either hand, he taught himself that. Someone came over and started talking about something.

Prince sighed and placed the thing down, and walked out of the cage, when the door closed the tendril want to it and followed Prince.

"Hey its almost closing time!" Tim called  and some people started to gather their stuff, Prince did the same and looked over at the cage and waved, it waved back. He giggled and signed out and headed home.


    "How was your day?" His mother asked as he walked through the door.

"It was nice, but I don't want to bored you with it!" He laughed and walked into the kitchen and she followed slowly.

"Oh please, talk to me. I don't care even if it was boring, you're all I have left.." She smiled and Prince started to tear up.

He only ever had his mother and father but his dad died when he was pretty young. Him and his Mom are the only people left on his family tree. He didn't want to loose her. She did everything for him, he hated the idea of her dying.

"Princey.." She made him lean down since she was in a wheelchair, they hugged and she whispered. "Once I die I will always be by your side." She smiled and Prince cried.

They both cried for a while and then got settled for bed. Prince took his medicine and gave his mom.some water and went to the couch.

"Goodnight Prince." She smiled and walked into the one bedroom.

"Night mom.." He smiled and curled up, starting to overthink.

I don't want to loose her.. once I get enough money I will take care of her. He thought over and over. Wanting to give something to his mom before her time ran out.

He slowly fell asleep, forgetting the troubles and letting himself sleep loosely.


    The next day Prince woke up late, his Mom had slept in so she didn't help wake him up, he is a grown man but he can't ever wake up on time. He rushed to the labatory and was greeted by Tim.

"Prince! Great to see ya. Oh mind coming here real quick?" He smiled and they walked into his office.

"What did you need?" He asked and smiled.

"We can start the project today, a little bit over hours. Is that alright?" He smiled and Prince gasped, getting happy

"Really! Oh thank you!"

"Anytime friend." They hugged and talked a bit more about it.

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