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^lord shane jugdson ^
Tw: mentions or actions of rape or abuse
-tom talking, iris talking -
*Beast speech*
Twin speech
Iris's pov:
For the first time in forever I woke up with out any yelling,smiling i looked around my room, i went into the bathroom to shower and do my business before changing

(Only the clothes and shoes, she's 5'4 and he's 5'5)I pick up nyx and selene before opening the window for apollo, before walking out into the hallway, "kreacher" he popped in front of me "yes mistress Black" "please clean up this place, all of th...

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(Only the clothes and shoes, she's 5'4 and he's 5'5)
I pick up nyx and selene before opening the window for apollo, before walking out into the hallway, "kreacher" he popped in front of me "yes mistress Black" "please clean up this place, all of this dust is unbefitting of the most ancient and noble house of black, i want all creatures moved to black manor, all dark artifacts are to be placed in my study so i can decide what stays here and what must be moved to black manor i would also appreciate it if you could expand the library, I will be having some of my other house elves bring books from my other properties to add to the black Library, i will be calling you back after breakfast to discuss the rules with you and the others,  that is all for now kreacher " "of course mistress " he popped out, i walked into hazza's room to see him about to take off the outfit he chose

(Only the clothes and shoes, she's 5'4 and he's 5'5)I pick up nyx and selene before opening the window for apollo, before walking out into the hallway, "kreacher" he popped in front of me "yes mistress Black" "please clean up this place, all of th...

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"Leave it, it looks good sweet heart" i smiled at him and he nodded after either getting his familiar or opening the window, he walked out the door with me to the kitchen, which had the informal dinning room. "What's the agenda for today sis" the food appeared on the table "i have a meeting with lord and heir jugdson to discuss my wish for them to be our proxies at 12,i was also going to call all the house elves to tell them the rules, and update the Library. You can join me if  you wish, we have a photo shoot at 3 that we have to go to " he nodded to joining me, since we still had 20 minutes before the meeting i decided to call all of the house elves, both vie and mortem didn't have any, the blacks had 1, potters 2(tilly and billy) evans none, lupins none, peverel 3(rose moss and thier daughter moon, all hogwarts elves work for hogwarts and none of the others had any. "Hello im your newmistress and this is master harry, first i wish to ask if any of you know of any elves looking for a family, if so please bring them here" two elves popped out and back followed by two each, they looked sickly compared to the others, i kneeled before them "hello, may i have your names?" "Is dinky, this be pinky" i smiled at them, "is be milly and this be dilly" "hello sweeties do you wish to be bonded to my family? " They all nodded so fast i was worried there heads would fall off, after the bonding i told them the rules. "No self punishment if you believed you did something wrong come to me or harry and we will discuss it, no overworking yourselves, take a break if need be, only me or harry can assign punishment tell us if some else tries to, that is all for now, do you all agree" they all nodded teary eyed, i smiled sadly at them. "Ok, me and harry have a meeting in 10 minutes rose can you please escort them to my study, moss you are now Harry's personal elf, and little moon who you like to be mine" she nodded agreeing, i smiled "kreacher already has his orders, the rest are to go to all of my properties and see which books aren't here in this library, copy them and place them in there, and when you finish you can help restore this place before taking care of the other properties in the coming month,no over working your selves,(more house elves will be brought in the future). Me and harry walked into our rooms put our lady and heir robes on respectively, before going to my study,5 minutes later I felt the wards go off, telling me two people just flooed in
There was a knock at the door a few minutes later "come in" i said standing up, griphook had told me he already made them take a magical contract to make sure our identities stayed a secret, they come in looking slightly surprised to see our age "hello you most be lord judgson and you heir jugdson" "merry met and you are?" " Oh i apologize i am lord vie, heir potter, king of the element earth" i watched their well crafted masks crumple slightly in shock. "And I am lady Potter-Black-Evans-Lupin-peverel-Slytherin- Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw-Emerys-Pendragon-lefay, queen of magical and mundane UK, and queen of all magical creatures " I watched in amusement as their masks crumple completely leaving them slack jawed and wide eyed, lord jugdson was the first to recover, dropping to one knee saying "my king, my queen"heir jugdson copying his movement "you may rise, I hope in time we'll have a friendship, this kneeling nonsense is meant for my enemies, we wished to discuss you being proxies to certain seats" they sat down in the chairs in front of us,, "moon please bring us some tea" moon popped in with a tea tray. "Thank you little moon, that shall be all" they watched in interest the way i treated my elves, not many being so nice to them . "We would be honored to proxy your seats, but we must let you know that I'm a dark wizard and my heir a grey wizard" they looked at us, to see our reactions "I'm aware, that was the requirement for me to consider who would be proxies, I have a dark core as well and harry here is grey,also please call us by our names,we will be working together alot, i wished for heir jugdson to be proxy for the lupin,evans, black, peverel and potter, slytherin Gryffindor houses, so they would be grey house's and for the  emerys, lefay and Pendragon house to have you as proxy lord jugdson, i wish for them to be known amongst the dark side, of course we will tell fudge that i have no wish to reclaim abadon, and would need to find Excalibur to even do so, what do you both say?" "We agree, to be your proxies, and you may call me shane and my younger brother bane, may i ask as to why you don't wish to use the last two  Hogwarts houses, and what is your plan " " i want it to seem like you represent to different people, the public will only know my connection to bane's seats, i wish to keep Dumbledore less suspicious, i want those houses to be known by the dark side to build up alliances, for the coming war, lady magic needs balance, their can't be the light with out the dark, night and day, in times of imbalance she assigns a dark or light or grey lord or lady, to right the balance, Dumbledore let the power of being a light lord go to his head, she named me the new dark lady to go along side lord Voldemort when he returns, naturally harry is the grey lord, there will be a new light lord or lady once Dumbledore is gone, bane's main job is to vote against any restricting laws while playing nice to madam umbridge and minister fudge as we can not have them as enemies, shane you will be introducing new bills starting the next summer sessions,in the meantime you will be helping me build alliances, any meetings will be held during the yule Holliday's up to three days before and after yule, naturally you both will be under our protection so no harm shall come to you and i would like you shane to be our solicitor, i want every shop, paper and manufacturer who uses our faces,names, or anything around it, sued they were not given permission,we also have work in the mundane world as models and musicians, is that ok? " " Of course we will get started right away iris, i can tell working with you shall be fun, good bye iris harry,see you soon" they bowed before leaving and flooing out, we Cha back into our previous outfits and went to the photo shoot location, we spent a few hours, taking pictures before heading home. Soon we would be starting hogwarts,we couldn't wait.
1451 words
Chapter 8 is complete

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Until next time my pups

                                 • mischief managed •

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