chapter 20

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Tw: mentions or actions of rape or abuse
-tom talking, iris talking -
*Beast speech*
Twin speech
Iris pov : july 10th
Today was the day we'd finally get to see moony and padfoot, and hopefully wormtail, i knew he was Ron's pet scabbers because of the magical signature, but i wanted him to come out on his own. I looked at the test results for both of them

Inheritance test
Name: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin
Mother: walhaburga black
Father: Orion Black
Brother: regulus articulus Black
Creature: Grimm (sub)
Mate: Remus John Lupin-Black (dom)
Animagus: black grimm like dog
Blocks and potions
Hate family life
Hate potion keyed to slytherin's, blacks, dark side, tom riddle
Loyalty potion keyed to Albus Dumbledore, order of the Phoenix, light side
Familial spell( makes you the cause of all of the families hate)
Abuse potion keyed to black parents (forces them to abuse drinker)
Block on magic (70%)

Inheritance test
Name: Remus John Lupin-Black
Mother: Stephanie lupin nee snape
Father: John Lyall Lupin
Cousin: Severus Tobias Snape-Prince
Creature: werewolf (dom)
Mate: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin (sub)
Blocks and potions
Shame of wolf
Poison from wolf's bane
Creators bond block (blocks a bond from forming with the one who bit him/ created him)
Self disgust
Magical block 80%
Hate potion keyed to werewolves, slytherin's, dark side, tom riddle
Loyalty potion keyed to Albus Dumbledore, order of the Phoenix,light side

I was pissed off, i was going to make dumbles pay. Luckily shane had it all removed before explaining everything that has happened so far and where we live, it also explained why grandmama never understood why she harmed either of her son's, "honey we're home" i heard shane say in an over the top voice, i rolled my eyes, it was an actual ongoing argument between him, draco and blaise on who is the most dramatic, they've been trying to one up each other, i picked up tala, fen got asher and enzo and luc got zion while my little kits were in my carry bag, i can down stairs to see hazza being squeezed by padfoot, moony saw me and ran over "cub, i missed you" his eyes flashed amber , i could tell mine did too before I was pulled into his embrace mindful of the little ones" i missed you to papa" i felt his smile "well moons you going to hold her all to yourself" i looked over his shoulder to see sirius, i opened my free arm for him to join "dadfoot" he smiled wide, then we broke apart "and who is this little darling" "this is tala  she will be one in December, fen is olding her twin asher and my new cub enzo and lucius is hooding zion, Enzo's magical twin" as i pointed to each kid "merlin you've been busy,i-" "alpha?" I looked over to see remus staring at fen "cub, I missed you, i couldn't find you" i smiled, it looks like the bonds being formed, it looks to be of the parental kind, that'll be weird my mates cub is my papa, I'm his cub but his papas mate, i stopped thinking about it as it was hurting my brain. We spent the rest of the month and our birthday just being with each other, the best birthday present was wormtail revealing himself on our birth, cissa was one of the happiest to have her mate back, i have a feeling some new babies are coming soon. Summer was coming to an end and the new school year was to start soon. Moony would be coming with us as our defense teacher. Apparently I'm meant to have a qudditich team size family as after having sex with both mates i ended up pregnant again this due date was set for January the  29th, twin girls.
*September 1st*
In the last month I've found different ways to get our people out of Azkaban, and we have managed to fing the locket and ring horcruxes, 3 down, 2 to go. we're going to start with those who have done lessor crimes as it would be easier to get them out of jail, as it was well known by them that they didn't check for a mark, they just threw them in, this would be our last year with percy, and the twins would be coming in to their inheritance soon, i had already asked for the inheritance papers to be delivered. Once at school, i decided to change the ceremony just a little, it was perce last year after all we have to go out with a bang, as soon as the little firsties came into the room, i wandlessly conjured up a patronus like creature of each founders animal, a snake slithered over the slytherin's, a gryffin ran over the Gryffindors, a badger roamed the Hufflepuff table and a raven flew over ravenclaw, meeting at the front and bursting into the values of each house along with the most famous person from each house. Everyone was in awe, the little ones loved it and it turns out coll gas a younger brother, Dennis and he to became a gryffin, I smiled, he was just adorable. (An: seeing as Sirius is already out of Azkaban and nothing else really happens that year, until it's time for the birth of her newest twins, it will be in shane and bane's pov)
Shane pov *September 2nd*
We agreed it was best to get avery and Selwyn out first as the only crime they really committed was being death eaters, once they were closer to being fully healed we'd move down the list, iris stated she'd find reg and barty as she could tell they weren't dead.  "This wizengamot is now in session, first order of business" bane stood up "yes, lords lady's, my lady over the past couple of years has had me research into the welfare of those coming in to our world and it was heartbreaking to see out of 500 muggleborns 300 were abused and in more extreme cases raped, and 100 of those kids never make it back to the wizarding world as a family member kills the to "get rid of their freakishness", she proposes that we set up a branch both independent and apart of the DMLE  to go to these homes to make sure the children are safe and for those who aren't she proposes that we make an orphanage for them and have families adopt them, she is willing to give the potter castle and the funding to make this happen " everyone looked sick at the reports of child Abuse and death, no surprise the bill was passed, then it was decided that lord nott, lady greengrass, and a halfblood lord Alan Rickman, as to run the department. "Next order of business" bane stood right back up "my lady proposes that we open pre schools for all wizarding children no matter status, my lady stated that it was hard for her and her brother to come to terms with everything in a month and it is similar for all muggleborns or muggle raised half bloods who dont know of our world, and she has also stated that a number of her friends who did grow up in our world wished they could meet more people as for some it is a shock to see so nany kids, when they only ever met a few, she wishes by opening up the first few schools one in each magical district, that not only would it be easier to find abused kids but for them to learn everything together and for those not accepted into one of the school they will stay there till their 18 and learn how our jobs work and what they wish to do, she also wishes that for those less fortunate with money to be able to give their kids a better education then what they have, of course she is willing to cover cost till a system is running " "house of Malfoy will cover cost of books" "house of bones will cover cost of teachers salaries" "house of greengrass will help with cost of building " and with that the bill was passed now my turn. I stood up"lady's and lords of the wizengamot after the discovery of the injustice done to mr. Black by the previous minister, my lady wished for me to check all arrest made during the war and I saw that none of them were given trials, my lady wishes over the next few wizengamot sessions that we fix these mistakes " "i approve who do we start with " i smiled, the minister would do anything to stay in our good graces lords Avion Avery and Samuel Selwyn, the only crimes they were charged of was being death eaters and they were never checked for a mark. "Bring in the accused" in came both ave and sam, two of my closest friends, they weren't part of the original death eaters but they were just early enough to be considered knights of wampus, so Even under vertiserum they would not be considered death eaters and indeed each question aimed at them in regards to death eaters was denied, when it came to the mark, well death was only to happy to help his mistress hide the mark, abd and so they were proven innocent, I grabbed a hold of them by the shoulder before apprating to black manor, seeing as it was getting to cramped for all of us at grimmauld place, we moved everything there, they would be healed and allowed to practice their magic once strong enough.
*Time skip to October 1st*
The preschools were almost done, the orphanage was already seeing it's first groups, both creevy brothers would have gone to but ris adopted them before then, both ave and sam were progressing well in their healing. Today we decided to get out
Rookwood and Rosier, both would be slightly harder to get out but we'd manage, we had also found the diadem horcrux, ris wasn't to happy about that one,we only needed to find one more and the main piece. "The wizengamot is now in session" i stood up, "yes, i would like to propose the rights of werewolf equality, my lady has done test and research and has discovered that the only wolf attacks are from those who have been exposed to the wolfs Bane potion multiple times and who dont regularly let their wolf out, studies show that if they are let out constantly, they not only lose their aggression unless their cub is in danger, but they also retain their mind and have painless transformations, also she discovered that the series of werewolf bites and attacks on children was caused by greybacks older brother marvin greyback and the only person killed by fenrir was john lupin after he raped and killed fenrirs submissive younger brother alvin." The vote was passed with only 5 people against , i stood back up "as i had stated at last months session of the wrong doing of the previous minister, i wish for lords augustas rookwood and lord evan rosier the first to be put on trial, and shortly after they were freed under the statement of being under the imperious curse.
1896 words

The shadows- (if you think of a better name please let me know)
Iris potter -the queen
Fenrir greyback - the alpha
Lucius Malfoy - ministry official
Marcus Flint - guard, advisor, confidant
Adrian Puncey - guard, advisor, confidant
Theodore Nott - enforcer
Blaise Zabini - informant, recruiter
Draco Malfoy - brewer
Vincent Crabbe - informant
Gregory goyle- Informant
Harry Potter - Gryffindor spy and recruiter
Ron Weasley - strategist
Neville Longbottom - herboligist
Hermione Granger-Lestrange - researcher
Percy Weasley - researcher
Fred Weasley - inventor
George Weasley - inventor
Peeves- distraction, helper
Pansy Parkinson- negotiator, brewer
Daphne Greengrass - rumor expert
Millicent Bulstrode- trainer
Collin creevy: photographer, news outlet
Luna love good: seer, magic's chosen

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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