chapter 21

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Tw: mentions or actions of rape or abuse
-tom talking, iris talking -
*Beast speech*
Twin speech
Shane's pov*November 1st*
The process of finding all of the necessary teachers were started now, the orphanage had a constant stream of new arrivals and adoptions, ave and sam were almost fully healed, and aug and ev were coming along nicely. As the session began, we waited for the others to finish their bills and laws then it was bane's turn, he stood up "esteemed body, last month we approved of equal rights for werewolves, well my lady wishes to bring forth the idea of equal rights for vampires, she has come up with a solution for their dietary needs, an idea she took from the muggle world, as in the mundane world, they have places called blood banks, where blood is stored, she wishes to use this idea and implement it for vampires, blood donations are completely free and voluntary, " once again the bill was passed with only creature haters against. Then i stood up, Walden was already a resident of the manor as he claimed imperious in the first war, we just needed to find the carrow twins, as the avoided Azkaban. "I wish for the trial of lord matthew Mulciber and heir Daniel Mulciber " once again there only charges were being suspected death eaters, i knew it would get harder, when dolohov,travers and lestranges were tried as they were they only ones convicted of murder.
*December 1st the last wizengamot before yule break before rejoining in February*
The schools were ready for students after yule, they would be there for the remaining semester to see how it goes, ave and sam were fully healed and working on their magic, they took it quite well on all of the occupants, they doted on the kids all the time, aug and ev were close to being fully healed and matt and dan were doing well. The carrow twins showed up once they realized that we were quietly gathering our forces. I'd be getting the last two more innocent ones before trying for the last ones next session, ris would start her search for barty and reg during the summer. "Who is on trial today ?" " Lords thorfinn rowle and Corban yaxley" they were quickly pardoned.
Iris pov *December 26*
It was yule and the manor was lively with all of the residents, my belly had gotten bigger and both luc and fen follow me everywhere to make sure I'm safe, the pack had moved to the forest behind our home, they loved all of the new pups. It was a wonderful holiday.
*Time skip to January 29th*
We had all snuck out to the shrieking shack before shadowing home, i had been avoiding snape for most of the year out of fear of rejection, i knew at some point I'd have to speak to him but i was going to hold it off as long as i could. I felt my water break just as we appeared, after a 5 hour labor, swearing at everyone in the room my beautiful baby girls were born

Picking up the baby on the left "Daphne, vince meet your goddaughter Estella iris malfoy-lefay, millie, greg meet your goddaughter Carina Marlene greyback-pendragon " i looked over to see fen and luc looking in awe at their newest daughter, while ...

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Picking up the baby on the left "Daphne, vince meet your goddaughter Estella iris malfoy-lefay, millie, greg meet your goddaughter Carina Marlene greyback-pendragon " i looked over to see fen and luc looking in awe at their newest daughter, while holding another of the kids, i smiled my family was growing.
*February 1st* Shane's pov:
After the eventful past two months, it was back to work, "who's trial is for today?" "Travis travers the suspected murderer of the McKinnon family" trav was brought in and it came to light that one lord diggle was responsible for the families murder, and trav was blamed as he was from a dark family, he was freed of all charges.
*April 1st*
Iris pov:
Today was the twins birthday, they were going to go through their inheritance today, i was staying with them as they said they felt most comfortable with me, as soon as the clock hit 12, the twins bent over in pain, over the next 3 hours their transformation took place, i could see they were trickster demons

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