°•°•. Chapter 1: Showtime .•°•°

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Lefty's (Liam) pov:

As I finished brushing my hair and getting ready for my first performance in a long time, I could hear the sound of knocking coming from my bedroom door as I then went over to check who was there. When I opened the door, I could see that it was one of my closest friends Carla (Rockstar Chica) standing right in front of me as she waved hello to me while smiling.

"Good morning Liam! I'm here to tell you that showtime will start in a few minutes and we have to get going now" she says while smiling as she showed me the time on her phone.

"Ok! Let's go then" I responded while smiling as I closed my bedroom door and we both went to the main stage.

But as we were walking towards the main room I started to hear loud and strange noises, it sounded like yelling and stuff being thrown around. I stopped walking and quickly looked around everywhere to see where it was coming from but I sadly couldn't find anything.

"What's wrong?" she asks me while looking at me with a confused expression as she tilted her head a little bit.

"I hear something but I don't know where it's coming from" I told her with a confused and concerned expression on my face as I kept looking around and my ears were still twitching a lot.

"I don't hear anything maybe you're just imagining things again now let's go or we will be late for the show I don't want any of us to get in trouble with our boss again" she says as she looks around while still looking confused then she grabs my right hand and we both continued walking towards the main room.

As we entered the main room, I could see the other Rockstars were on the main stage waiting for us since the pizzeria was about to open and showtime is in 2 minutes.

"Where the heck is Lefty? it's almost showtime! I swear he better not come late again or we will have problems" says Tommy/Rockstar Freddy with a angry expression as he crosses his arms and is tapping his left foot on the floor.

"Come on boss, don't be too hard on him you know that it's been a long time since he's performed, maybe he forgot or he's just busy with Henry because we all know that he likes to assign tasks for him" says Braydon/Rockstar Bonnie as he looks at Tommy and puts one hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I know but I just think that Lefty isn't cutout for performing since he's not that good at singing plus the children would like me more than him because I'm much more cooler, better and he's more a like a bad rip-off of me" says Tommy as Braydon sighs and facepalms. Finn (Rockstar Foxy) just rolled his left eye in annoyance.

"Oh yeah? Well at least I'm not the same color as shi-" I said angrily as I was walking towards him.

"Hey! take that back!" he yelled while growling as his ears go down, he shows me his teeth and his tail puffs up.

"No make me" I responded as I crossed my arms and glare at him.

"Grrr I will tear you apart you stupid bear!" he shouts angrily as he grabs the collar of my hoodie and now he's inches away from my face but I still glared at him without flinching.

"Hey stop fighting this instance or I will punish you both right now and you both don't get to perform today" Henry says as he walks towards us.

"Fine! but this is not over and next time you will be sorry" says Tommy as he was letting go of the collar of my hoodie and then he walks away towards his position on the stage.

I stick out my tongue at him as he walks away with a angry expression while still growling.

"Here you go Lefty, I got you some headphones so that you can protect your ears from the loud music while you perform" my father Henry says as he gives me a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

"Thank you!" I said cheerfully while smiling as I grabbed the headphones and put them on since the show is about to start and Henry says "Your welcome I will be in my office if you need me" as he walks away to his office.

I waved goodbye to him as he was walking away, then we all went to our spots as the curtains go up and the show begins.

~Timeskip-After the pizzeria closes~

It's currently 7:30pm and we all finished cleaning up the pizzeria 30 minutes ago so everyone else went to their bedrooms to sleep but I'm the only one still up since I was about to go eat my dinner until I started to hear loud noises again and this time it sounded like something or someone was banging on the walls or on a door I can't tell yet but I tried to follow the sounds and it ended up leading me to the back door of the pizzeria which leads to the alleyway.

As I slowly opened the back door, I could see that there was something big that looked like a shadowy figure sitting right next to some trash cans so I went to go quickly investigate what it was but what happened next left me in shock as I said "What the heck is that?!" out loud.

*To be continued*

Hello (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) thank you for reading this 2nd rewrite of my first story and I hope enjoy. And have nice day or night :D

I made this because the first rewrite that I did didn't turn out to be how I wanted so I made this since I wanted to try again. This version is more like the first one but with better grammar and the story line is not as rushed as the first version of this story.

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