°•°•.Chapter 4: Dinner under the stars .•°•°

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Lefty's (Liam) pov:

*Beep* *beep* *beep* I wake up to the sound of my alarm again just like every morning as I rubbed my eyes and yawn while stretching my arms, legs and back.

Urghh.. I really don't want to wake up right now, because I still feel so tired but I have to since today is Monday and that means that I have to work. I then grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm as Molten also slowly wakes up, he looks at me with his eye half open and I told him that he can continue sleeping while I go to work for today.

"Good morning I'm sorry if I woke you up but I have to get ready to go to work right now. You can keep sleeping if you want since it's currently 7:00am." I said to him as look at his direction and he nods his head as he rests his head back on his pillow, closes his eye and falls asleep again.

But as I was about to get out of my bed, Molten suddenly wakes up again and he grabs my left arm as he says "Oh Lefty! I almost forgot to ask you if you would like to hangout with me tonight after you finish your shift." with a curious expression on his face.

"Sure! I'm free tonight but I can't stay up too late since I have to work tomorrow." I responded while smiling as I get up from my bed.

"Great! see you tonight and have a nice day." he says to me while looking excited as he waves goodbye to me and then he goes back to sleep.

"Alright cya later Molten" I said with small smile on my face as I waved back and then I went to go grab my stuff.

I grabbed my clothes, boots, my makeup bag and few other things and then I went to the bathroom to go get ready for work before my shift starts at 8:00am.

After I was done taking a shower and getting ready, I returned to my bedroom to put away my stuff and then I went to kitchen to eat some breakfast. Carla was there making a few pizzas and she even made me some pancakes for breakfast which was very kind of her and I appreciate it.

Once I finished eating my breakfast, it was almost time for showtime to begin so I went to my stage, put on my noise cancelling headphones, grabbed my microphone and then stood in my spot until the curtains opened up and the show begins once again.

~Timeskip- After the pizzeria closes~

It's finally closing time, right now I'm currently finishing cleaning the tables so that I can finally go back to my bedroom and rest. Wait.. why does it feel like I'm forgetting something..hmm

Fudge! I almost forgot that Cyrus asked me to hangout with him tonight. I need to hurry or else I will be late and I don't want to keep him waiting for too long I thought to myself as I quickly walked towards the kitchen to inform Carla that I have completed all of my work for today.

"All done! hey Carla I'm completely done with cleaning all of the tables, mopping the floor and I also took out the trash. So my work here is done and I'm going to get going goodnight and see you tomorrow." I said to her while smiling as I enter the kitchen since she is cleaning the oven right now.

"Thank you Lefty and goodnight to you too." she responds to me as she stops cleaning for a second and then she waves goodbye to me while looking at my direction with a smile on her face.

"No problem! I have to go now bye!" I replied to her while smiling as I waved back and left the kitchen.

As I was quickly walking towards my bedroom, I took my phone out of the pocket of my hoodie and checked the time which is 7:30pm. I ended up bumping in to someone by accident since I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell to the ground while holding on to my phone so that I don't accidentally break it but thankfully I landed on my butt.

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