°•°•.Chapter 2: The Shadowy Figure .•°•°

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Lefty's pov:

"What the heck is that?!" I yelled out loud as I could see a huge shadowy figure sitting in between some trash cans but it's too dark here for me to see what it is so I carefully approached it to find out.

Once I got close enough I could see that it looks like a bear animatronic like me but with pale skin, a orange left eye and a missing right eye also it's hair had orange highlights and it was wearing a mask while half of it's face was covered in bandages. Their clothes were all to torn up and burned, a lot of wires were sticking out of it's back which is very concerning so I couldn't help but wonder what happened to them and how did they end up here like this in the first place.

Suddenly the broken bear's ears started to move around as it opens it's left eye and now they are looking at me with confused and worried expression on their face. We just stared at each other for a few minutes until the broken bear asked me "W-Who are yo-you?" with a extremely glitchy voice while it tilted it's head a little bit.

"Umm.. well.. my name is Liam, but my friends also like to call me Lefty nice to meet you" I responded to him as I pointed to myself with a nervous expression since I didn't expect find another animatronic bear like me in this alleyway during night time.

"M-My name is Cy-Cyru-rus but you ca-can call me-e Mo-Molten-ten if y-you want" he says to me as he gets up from the ground and he's now towering over me which made me step back a lot as I was ready to run towards the back door just in case. Why is he so tall?!

"Oh sorry.. I-I didn't mean to sc-scare y-you-u" he says as his ears go down he looks at me with a sad expression.

"It's fine I'm sorry too it's just I have never seen a animatronic as big as you before" I said to him while feeling bad for making him feel sad.

Then we were just standing there for like 4 minutes with a awkward silence just looking at each other until I said something to continue this conversation and to get rid of this awkward feeling that I could see that we both had.

"Hey maybe I can ask my friends if they can fix your broken voice box for you if you want" I suggested to him as he looks at me with a surprised expression and his ears perk up.

"Re-Really?" he asked me with a excited expression on his face as he starts to wag his tail.

"Yes" I replied to him while I nod my head with a smile on my face.

"Th-Thank yo-you-u!" he says cheerfully as he picks me up and gives me a quick hug while wagging his tail and I was blushing a little bit since I didn't expect this to happen but I don't know why I kinda enjoy this since he's hugging me gently and this feels nice for some reason.

"S-Sorry-ry, I-I got a b-bit too e-exi-cited-ted" he says to me with a embarrassed expression as he puts me back down on the ground and I was still blushing while feeling flustered because I haven't received a hug from someone in a long time.

"No problem I don't mind" I said to him as he apologized to me again.

"So Molten how did you end up here and what happened to you? If you don't mind me asking that is" I asked him with a curious expression because I really wanted to know more about him.

"I-It's a lo-long s-story-ry but ma-a-inly-ly I fought with so-someo-one and they e-ended-ded u-up des-destroying-ying my f-face and m-most of my body a-as w-well-ell" he says to me as he placed his right hand behind his head and I looked at him with a concerned expression.

"Wow really?! That's horrible" I responded with a shocked and worried expression as my ears go down and I can't help but feel bad for him since that must of been extremely painful to experience.

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