1.2 Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

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Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
Part 2

Some People Just Want To Watch The World BurnPart 2————

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Landon locked eyes with Hope. "That wasn't me, I swear. I barely got out alive." You didn't trust a word Landon because when he lies he looks away, but he is your brother so you had to trust him, right?

"Hope, come on." Rafael pleaded.

"Last chance. Who the hell was it?" She angrily asked at Landon, walking forward which caused you to step in front of the both of them and in front of Hope which stopped her.

Landon breathed heavily. "There was this girl..."


Landon was now sitting on the ground, legs against his chest. He was next to Rafael, You stood next to Hope so you all could be looked at each other. "I don't believe anything you say." Hope said.

Landon yelled back. "You have every right to be mad at me, but I am telling you the truth." He pointed a finger down to provide a point. He looked at Rafael. "Come on man, help me." He then looked at me, his eyes pleading for me to help as well.

Rafael spoke up, a shaky voice due to Hope's state of mind at the moment. "I believe him." You stayed quiet, you didn't want to say anything.

"You believe that a fire-breathing women burned the bus alive?' She challenged Rafael.

Rafael nodded. "Yeah!"

Hope rolled her eyes. You decided to speak up. "And Landon happened to be spared?" You asked. You knew that was wrong but it had to be said. Rafael and Landon gave you a betrayed look, you mouthed a 'i'm sorry' with a guilty face.

Rafael got closer to you. "He told you that he ran, Kate." Hope glared at Rafael, you wondered why she was protective but ignored it.

Hope rolled her eyes. "And conveniently lost the knife on the way."

Rafael nodded. "Yes!" You mentally groaned, but you made your way over to the wall and just sat down, listening to their conversation.

"She kept coming at me like she was gonna take it from me. She was burning everything in her path." Landon rambled on.

"You want to explain to me what you were doing stealing the knife in the first place?" Hope inquired, looking at Landon.

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