twelve| Boxing Day

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El left. Left town left everything. She would occasionally visit her dad and Joyce on holiday which resulted on her bedding Will not to tell the party.

It had been 6 months.

Noone had heard from her.

Mike tried. He tried to track that woman down after he read the letter. To this day he wouldn't tell the party what it said.

Mike easily broke it off with Violet when he read the letter. Her basically being the reason she was gone.

It was Christmas vacation. So noone was in the dorm room. Mike decided not to go visit his family this year.

He made his way to the local library scanning books. That's when he saw her.

El thought everyone would be gone. That she was safe to the libary she once loved. She had her face facing everything scanning the books.

"Eleanor Hopper?" He questioned and she froze.

She took a deep breath and turned around.

"Holy shit..." He whispered as he saw it was actually her.

"Uh---Hi" she stuttered.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He growled out

"Here and there. Everywhere" she shurgged walking to the next isle of books.

"I looked everywhere for you, we all did"

"I didn't want to be found Mike"

'yesh I get that, but hear me out"

"No Mike. I don't need your pity. I don't need anyone's pity" she sighed.


"Mike. Leave me alone. I'm happy"

"Happy without your friends?"

"I made new ones,"

"El.. what she said to you wasn't true... She lied.. she was always jealous of you.. she wanted you gone" Mike sighed.

"Jealous? Why?"

"Because she found out we slept together before, so she got upset when we lived together"

"Mike... I'm sure.what she said was true"

"El it's not..."

"Mike..." She sighed.

"Come hang out... Please.. they'd love to see you... Don't you miss them"

"Of course I do..."

"A week from today... boxing day, we have our group present giving.. come.. I won't tell them. It'll be a surprise.."

El sighed "fine"

They never mentioned the letter. The feelings she left said. She couldn't.


Boxing Day

The group was together exchanging presents.

"Mike... did you not get anyone anything?" Max laughed.

"I did.. it should be here shortly.. let's just say it's... a shared gift.." He shurgged

Moments later there was a knock on the door.

"One sec" Mike said rasiing a finger.

He opened the door.

El was standing there In a beautiful gold dress, showing off her legs, her hair curled and flowing softly, make up soft. Mike smiled "You came"

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