chapter - 21

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Wei ying - btw what's your name girl??

wangji suddenly stands up and holding Wei ying's hand and says, go and change clothes soon.

Wei ying - Don't you want to buy something else?

Wangji - no, go and change this cloth.

As soon as wei ying comes after changing clothes, Wangji hold his hand and says. let's go!

Wei ying - what?? Haven't even done shopping so soon?

Mian mian says sir, least!take the clothes you have liked.

Wangji - no!

wangji and wei ying leave out of the mall and as soon as they both the door, wangji turns back.

When wangji comes back to the wei ying after 2 minutes, he had a shopping bag in his hand.

Wangji gives the shopping bag in wei ying's hand and says.

Wangji - "It's for you."

When wei ying opens the shopping bag, he sees the same black shirt in it.

When both sit in the car, Wei ying asks Wangji.

Wei ying - why didn't you buy clothes?

Wangji - I didn't want to buy. I have enough clothes lying around that I can wear comfortably until I die.

Wei ying starts saying to himself that, has he got any disease, who suddenly started saying this?Then asks wangji.

Wei ying - Then why did you buy this black shirt for me?

Wangji - you wore that shirt and you liked it. I don't want anyone else to buy it.

Wei ying just stares at the wangji and doesn't understand what he should to say.

According to sizhui idea, wangji had to take wei ying to some good place, but he does not understand where to take Wei ying, so he takes him to his own restaurant.

wangji asks some other Waiter of there to bring some food.

Wei ying - Tell me one thing, you made canceling my popcorn party so that I can choose some clothes for you. seriously?

Wangji - no, I want to ask something more.

Wei ying - what??

Their food also arrives before Wangji can say anything.

Wei ying - Tell me, what happened ?

Wangji - Do not talk while eating food. Finish your food first.

Both of them were having food when two boys from outside greet wangji.

Wei ying - Lan zhan Who are these two?

Wangji - they're are sizhui and jingyi.

wei ying was about to say to the wangji that, why is your brother so younger than you, at the same time sizhui asked to wangji.

Sizhui - Dad what are you doing here, you had to go shopping, didn't you?

This hear this, wei ying was shocked and he does not understand what to say if he speaks?

Before wangji could answer sizhui questions .

wei ying slams his chopsticks over there and suddenly stands up.
All three of them do not understand why he suddenly stand.

Wei ying - ( while looking at wangji)
You cheater, I will never forgive you. Why didn't you tell me that you have a son?

Wangji - But you never asked ?

Wei ying - What is the meaning of you never asked, you should have to told?

Wangji - but....

Wei ying - 1 minute if is he is lan zhan's son, then sizhui mother will also be there, right?

Just then Jingyi tells wei ying even a little angry.

Jingyi - what do you mean to say? sizhui's mother was, then the sizhui was born.

Wei ying - Now I came to know why you have not have any girlfriend till date, because you direct got married?

Wangji - My Son....

Wei ying - See, now you yourself have spoken, it means. it's mean he is your son. I am going, see that God will never forgive you cheater!

Sit down with your wife I am leaving and don't message me.

wei ying was goes from there. The poor wangji behind the keeps saying that listen to me, I do not have any wife.

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