Chapter - 24

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wen qing comes to those people and asks what is happening here and why are you people making so much noise?

Wen ning -( in low voice) sister, wei master was right! his boss have son.

wen qing looks at the wei ying in shock , then wei ying says, found out now I was right!

Sizhui - First of all listen to us words.

wei ying- ( looks at them and he says) Yes, say?

Sizhui - Nothing is like what you think. my dad are very much innocent.

Wei ying - Yes yes I know how big a real person your Dad is!

Jingyi - Oh we're telling the truth. Our Dad is really very innocent.

Wei ying - ( in shock voice) what??!
Earlier there was only one son, now he have 2 son. I thought He didn't tell about one, He was didn't tell me about both. I will kill him.

wei ying Looking at the wen qing, he says, 'See! You weren't trusting my words, were you?

Wen qing - Sorry I didn't know sometimes you do shit right!

Sizhui - 1 minute 1 minute listen to me, jingyi first you'll stop call my dad your dad.

Jingyi - Your dad mean my dad.

Sizhui - no, my dad mean my dad not your.

Wei ying - okay, okay , both have to go house and decide whose dad is and whose is not, first do that nonsense you had come to tell me !

Sizhui - My dad was going to ask to you about night dinner, but you're came from there in angry without listen our whole conversation.

Wen qing -( looking at wei ying and says) I knew you never do any work properly.

Wei ying - If he was going to ask, then he was going to ask. What can I do in this?

Sizhui - Just a small request that you will come to our house for night dinner.

Wei ying - No, I will not come.

Sizhui - Don't say that, you know since you got angry and came without listen my dad. My dad hasn't even eaten anything.

Whereas in reality it happens that after Wei ying came from there, wangji had lunch with together jingyi and sizhui.

Wei ying - Just didn't eat lunch. If your father will not eat lunch one day then else he will not die.

Sizhui - How can you say this , my dad even not have drank even a drop of water.

sizhui was right, wangji was not drinks water but he drinked juice.

jingyi starts thinking, it is saying too much. jingyi has came to closer sizhui and say in his ear.

Jingyi - sizhui Don't you think you are saying too much?

Sizhui - ( looks at jingyi and says) If do not say then our work will not be done.

wei ying starts thinking in his mind. This boy is doing so much emotional drama, He is does not look like the lan zhan at all. lan zhan how has given birth to son, totally exactly his opposite!
He cannot be the son of Lan zhan at all.

After watching this such a long drama for so long, wen qing says.

Wen qing - I don't think He is Mr lan's son. his behaviour is not look like lan wangji. How could he was wangji's son ?

Wen ning - No, it's his son. see his nose exactly resembles that like Wei ying's boss.

Wen qing - Yes, his nose exactly the same as the wangji maybe he is his son.

Hearing the conversation of them wei ying gets even more jealous.
wei ying looks towards at sizhui and says.

Wei ying - Whatever I had to say has been said, now you can go.

Sizhui - you please don't say that!

jingyi and sizhui holds wei ying's hand and starts saying loudly please please.

Both of them were shouting so loudly. It seemed as if the people around would come and gather there just now.

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