Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn

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A man is putting down painted lines in anticipation of the upcoming flag football game between the Salvatore School Stallions and the Mystic Falls High School Timberwolves. Meanwhile, in Hope's room, Hope is standing in front of her window, watching silently as the jocks from Mystic Falls High School vandalize the Salvatore School's vans with spray paint. They laugh hysterically and paint white X's over the school's logo as Hope watches.

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I've just never met any of them. Expect for my best friend, Aaron." Hope's voice over said. "Stallions suck!" One of the Jocks said from outside. The jocks run away after they finished spray painting the vans.

Aaron was in his room on the phone with his mom. "How's Austria?" Aaron asked. "It's good. We're in Vienna right now and we've just come back from the theatre." Mia said on the other end. "How was it?" Aaron asked. "It was alright. Wasn't really my taste. Your dad agrees with me since he basically rushed out of there as soon as it was over." Mia said and Aaron laughed. "Sounds like dad. I miss you guys." Aaron said. "We miss you too. Don't worry, we'll be back soon." Mia said. "Love you, mom." Aaron said. "Love you, too Shadow." Mia said before hanging up. Aaron sighed before lying on his bed and falling asleep. He had a long day tomorrow. He had a football game to lose.

The Next Day

Hope was walking to Aaron's room as she needed help with something. She walked into his room and saw him shirtless. "Hope!" Aaron exclaimed. "Sorry." Hope said, looking away. She closed the door and kept facing away from Aaron. "You can look now." Aaron said. Hope looked over and saw him in his jersey. "Oh yeah, you've got the game today." Hope said. Aaron nodded. "If you could call it that." Aaron said. Hope nodded and sat on his bed. "My mom called last night." Aaron said, sitting next to her. "Oh yeah? How is she and uncle Daniel?" Hope asked. "They're good. They're in Austria right now." Aaron said. Hope nodded. "Well, I needed to ask you something." Hope said.

"What?" Aaron asked. "If you could get rid of a problem that was threatening everyone, would you do it?" Hope asked. Aaron shrugged. "Depends on who I was Protecting. If it was my family, then yeah, I would do it." Aaron said. Hope nodded. "Okay. Thanks." Hope said. Aaron smiled. "Glad I could help." Aaron said. Hope smiled at him and stared at him. Aaron looked at her weirdly. "Anything else?" Aaron asked. Hope shook her head. "No. That's everything." Hope said. Aaron nodded and smiled at her again before she left. Just then, a knock was heard at the door. "It's open." Aaron called out. The door opened and Lizzie walked in. "Great. You're changed. Let's go." Lizzie said. Aaron smiled at her before leaving the room with her.

They met up with Josie and the three were walking down the stairs toward the first floor. Josie was wearing her school uniform and looked uneasy. It is obvious by the expression on Lizzie's face that she is serious about the upcoming game. "Let's hit the dining hall and carb-load. It's game day." Lizzie said. "Sounds like a plan." Aaron said. Josie, feeling guilty about keeping her dark magic with Hope and Aaron a secret and still exhausted by the previous few days' events, looks away from her sister evasively. "I'm not hungry." Josie said.

Lizzie immediately stops walking, causing Aaron to stop, and stares at Josie with a knowing and scolding expression. Josie tries to play dumb about it. "What?" Josie asked. The three begin to walk again, but it's clear from the expression on Lizzie's face that she's not about to let this go without complaint. "Well, uh, funny thing, actually, Josette. This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute, I suddenly had the urge to purge. So, I fled to the bowl, and low and behold, I heaved up a gallon of black goo." Lizzie said.

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