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Harry opened his eyes, once again finding himself in an unfamiliar room, distorted by the persistent blur in his vision. He felt around for his glasses and promptly rolled sideways onto the floor. He cried out in pain as his head hit something hard and sharp. His vision, if it were possible, became even blurrier with the presence of tears.

'Harry? Oh merlin."

Harry felt himself being hauled up and placed onto something soft and comfortable. A hand covered his own and manipulated it to grasp something cold and small.

A/n: 😏

"Your glasses, presuming that was what you were looking for before your miraculous fall."

"Thank you..." Harry mumbled, putting his glasses on. He winced in pain as they fleetingly brushed past the spot he had bumped, and again when something wet trickled down the side of his face.

"Ah sh- bloody table," Snape muttered, tugging a tissue out of its box and gently dabbing at the wound and the stray blood.

"One of the house elves brought you something to eat, given you were clearly unable to attend dinner at the dining hall" he continued, as Harry flinched and winced at his prodding.


"Your mum, Harry responded, jumping up and running straight through a wall and diving into the black lake.


Snape turned around and there, standing before him, was indeed his mum.

"Mother?" Snape said, confused.

Suddenly, his mother became distorted and turned into a flying snake.

"Mother what are you-" but he was cut off for his snake mum delve out of the window after Harry. Harry, on the other hand, seemed intent on not being captured by the snake mum, and proceeded to chant "milk, milk" before disappearing to go and get the milk.

Snape was confused, "But we have enough milk..."

:D Sorry not sorry I got bored.

Harry shifted his gaze over to the table to his left. A bowl of pasta in what appeared to be a tomato sauce sat steaming. As much as he tried to deny it, he was hungry...but he couldn't. He'd had enough already. Ron had forced him to eat his toast yesterday, insisting that he 'needed the energy'. When Harry had asked what for, however, he had gotten no response other than:
"Because you need food to live."

So basically, not a very good reason at all.

"No thank you," Harry stated, closing his eyes and resting his head back against the sofa. There was silence. Harry opened his eyes in alarm, only to meet the very cold ones belonging to Snape, which now narrowed slightly.

Harry stared back. Snape had introduced a game he could not back out of. This meant war.

Snape sighed and looked away. Harry grinned at his victory.

"That wasn't supposed to be a staring contest, Harry," Snape said.

"What else was I supposed to do?" Harry retorted.

Snape raised an eyebrow. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, and Harry envied him greatly for his ability to do that. No matter how hard he tried, his eyebrows always moved together.

He was about to ask the professor how exactly he did it when there was a knock at the door. Snape stood up.

"Stay," he said, as if Harry had any intention of getting up. His head throbbed too much to even think of considering it.

"Professor Dumbledore."

"Ah, Severus! May I come in?"

There was an icy silence.

Snape stepped back, yet he was clearly opposed to the headmaster's request judging by the expression depicted on his face.


I started writing this chapter ages ago so I apologise but:

Okay so I know this fanfiction is actually one of my most popular ones however I have fallen out of the fandom and have absolutely no idea where to take this story. Perhaps at a later date I will return to continue it, but for now I have no interest nor patience to continue writing it.

I am really sorry if this bothers you, and you have my full permission to take it into your own hands and finish it yourself if you wish :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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