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That night I did not sleep well the thought that I could possibly be pregnant with my shitty ex-boyfriend's baby was terrifying not to mention I was only 18 so my mother would treat it as if it was a teen pregnancy, she would probably kick me out of the house and I would have nowhere to go there's no way I could afford a home with just my paychecks from Family video, not to mention I'll lose all of my clients that babysit.

After about an hour I finally drifted off.


I was in a room, and it was very dark I couldn't see anything so I didn't move I stood there for what felt like forever I finally decided to take a few steps holding my hands out in front of me feeling around to make sure I didn't bump into anything, then I heard it a voice I could distinguish who's voice it was but I definitely recognized it


"W-whos there"

"I'm... I can't tell you just listen I don't have much time"

"Fine! What do you want? "

"Listen to me closely when you go to take the test with Robin tomorrow grab bandages from the store as well"

"What, why?"

"You just have to trust me!"

"How can I trust you when you won't tell me who you are!"

"I can't! I'm sorry but I can't tell you who I am!"

"Then I can't trust you"

"Please you have- shit I'm out of time! Just please trust me it'll come in handy"


I was baffled then everything began to get darker and I began to panic then... I woke up.

When I woke up it was still dark out I looked over sleepily seeing my alarm clock read 3:00 am. I sighed laying back down it was way too early to be up so I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep again


My alarm went off at 6:30 and I hit snooze with the unwanted wake-up at 3 I did not want to get out of bed especially knowing what I would be doing after school but reluctantly I crawled out of bed and got ready for school

When I got to school everything was normal until Robin and I had to tell Nancy about our plan

"You're what!?"

"We don't know for sure it's just a possibility." I looked over at Robin for help

"Come on Nance don't worry about it I honestly think that she probably has like a bug or something but we can't rule out the possibility."

"This is all crazy Steph your parents are going to find out eventually as well, then we'll never see you again your mom already doesn't like us"

"I know, I know" I placed my head in my hands this was all so stressful but all we could do was wait until school was over to find out"


After school, we met up at my house my parents had left during school for my father's many business trips so we wouldn't have to worry for a while about them seeing a pregnancy test in the trash.  We had stopped at a drugstore on the way home so I took it straight to the bathroom when we arrived. 

I felt kind of bad for making them wait so long but I had a hard time leaving the bathroom when I did leave my face was so tear-stained that it worried Nance and Robin. 

"W-was it positive?" Nancy's words were soft and somewhat comforting Robin was just sitting there waiting on my response, a shake of my head the test had come back negative my face was tear-stained because they were tears of joy I wasn't going to be a mom yet I wasn't pregnant things were finally looking up. The next few moments were filled with hugs and more happy tears. 

Hiiiiii! I'm back finally I know this chapter is a little short but I hope you enjoyed it!        

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