Chapter 2: A Lovely Morning

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Alright so here is chapter 2 please have an open mind as I have tried to mix the technology filled world of She-Ra with the time period of Tangled. Please enjoy : )

17 years later

It was a beautiful day as the sun rose on the whispering woods. All the vast amounts of life started to rise and awaken to begin their day. Even in a secluded but tall tower things were being done and it's resident was wide awake.

Even though it was early morning already sparks and buzzing machines were going off. But for Entrapta it was normal she worked very late and very early to improve her inventions. You might say she was a bit of a workaholic but it wasn't really work to her, to her it was fun it was expression. At the moment she was working on the energy source that powered the tower she lived.

"Hmm seems internal functions are normal as well as the battery of the power source, but a malfunction seems to have appeared in the wiring itself." Entrapta recorded into a little device she held in her hand.

At the moment she was sitting in a long purple swing made of her hair, logging her progress. However as she logged a three legged round machine came tromping in a wire wrapped around its head and a tool hanging off one of its legs. It tromped over to Entrapta and lightly bumped into her to make her presence known.

"And.. oh Emily, ahh you brought me the tools I needed and the new wire, you're the best Emily. Thank you so much!" Entrapta praised the machine which made noises in a way to say, your welcome.

She then took the wire and the special tool and began to fiddle with the wiring of their power source. It took her a few minutes but eventually she got close to finishing.

"Alright and... ha success!" Entrapta yelled as the machine started humming and glowing like it was supposed to.

Immediately the lights turned on to shed more light within the tower. The inside if the tower was decently large and had several rooms, one for Entrapta, one for shadow Weaver, and one that worked as a lab for Entrapta. In the middle of the tower was a large open space that consisted of a fireplace, a kitchen, a sitting area, and most importantly glowing in the middle the Golden Runestone.

Now that was one of Entrapta's oldest and best projects. She with the help of Shadow Weaver learned to harness the Runestone and make it so Shadow Weaver could use it at will. It was a bit of a complicated process and she didn't exactly know why she did it, but it was in the name of science so it was ok with her. Though in general Entrapta didn't know much about the why of things.

Shadow Weaver was always insistent that the reason didn't matter and she was her mother so she respected that. However there was one thing she was extremely curious about but she never would get an answer for. Every year on her birthday a series of lights would float in the sky and through all her study of them she could never tell what they were or what their source was. Yet she always got this feeling they were calling out to her to follow them, it was just a feeling but a strong one. She had asked and asked Shadow Weaver about them, since she has been outside, but either she'd never get an answer. However today she was going to get an answer no matter what, her curiosity had gone too long unquenched.

As Entrapta thought and stewed over her dilemma Emily bumped into her multiple times.

"Emily are your circutes on the fritz again, I just fixed them last week. But it takes trial and error to perfect so.." Entrapta started to say before Emily shook to imply that's not what she was meaning.

Emily quickly ran to a little disk on a table and pressed the red button on. Immediately a glowing map and presentation of the floating lights appeared before the two.

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