Chapter 7: Kingdom Dance

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Ok during the kingdom exploration scene, imagine an extended version of the kingdom dance instrumental from tangled playing during it.

It was a lovely morning in the Whispering Woods birds were singing, the sun was shining through the lovely blue trees, and all was peaceful. In the midst of the seren and ideal scene Hordak and Entrapta slept under a large tree. But then suddenly Hordak felt drops of water dripping on his face, waking him up. As he came too and opened his eyes he saw a brightly colored shape. Then as his vision got clearer what he saw was an angry, rainbow colored, and sopping wet winged horse.

"Prepare to receive justice villain, you won't escape me now!" Swift Wind cried loudly as he then grabbed Hordak's boot and tossed him with his incredible strength.

Hordak grumbled as he felt the pain of the hard landing, but nonetheless recovered.

"So you found me horse, well prepare to face my fury!" Hordak yelled as he pulled out his wrist blaster and started attacking Swift Wind back.

However as they noisily attacked each other and yelled they startled Entrapta awake. She was snuggled up to Emily when the cries of battle forced her to wake up. She looked around her frantically till she saw Hordak and Swift Wind battling it out. For a moment she just watched as they kicked and blasted each other back and forth till Swift Wind caught one of Hordak's boots and started to drag away.

"Haha I rin!" Swift Wind managed to say around Hordak's boot.

"Let go of me horse!" Hordak demanded as he tried to grab onto something.

But Swift Wind kept pulling until Entrap came running up to him.

"Stop!" Entrapta cried out as she bolted in front of Swift Wind.

Swift Wind continued despite her pleas so Entrapta used her hair to grab onto Hordak's arms. From there it turned into one weird game of Tug of War between the inventor and Swift Wind. This continued for a while, Hordak in great pain as his body was stretched back and forth unceasingly.

"Please let go of my guide!" Entrapta said as she struggled to pull Hordak with her hair, even now using her arms to pull her hair.

"Nebew!" Swift Wind yelled, still biting hard to Hordak's boot.

However with great determination Entrapta eventually won, pulling Hordak free, except for a boot. But after she did so Entrapta fell flat on her back from the sheer force, as Hordak flew back and hit a tree. Then, despite being a little disoriented, Swift Wind saw the singular boot hanging from his mouth Hordak free! Angry he spit the boot out and then charged for Hordak, but quickly Entrapta intervened.

"Flying Horse...thing stop!" Entrapta begged as she tried to block his path, though her rather short body made that rather hard.

"Out of the way girl, I must obtain that villain!" Swift Wind demanded as he tried to get around the girl only to have her incredibly long hair and a small round robot help her stall him.

"No I need him!" Entrapta begged harder not about to let her friend be arrested.

"Need him! He's a criminal and I must bring him to justice!" Swift Wind cried still filled with determination.

He tried every which way to get around Entrapta but she managed to block him from moving.

"I know that but there's also good in him, he's helped me get all this way! That has to count for something!" Entrapta cried out desperately.

It was then Swift Wind stopped in his tracks.

"Wait..he..helped you?" Swift Wind asked, swearing he must have heard wrong.

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