Arc 1 Part 4

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The group followed the tracks away from the room. Jonas was taking point with Dian and Grandpa Leon close behind him. The group followed the tracks down a long hallway until the tracks led left, towards what was assumed to be the back of the temple. There was next to no light as they continued on and they were entirely reliant on their flashlights to provide lights. They continued doing so for what seemed like an eternity, where in they saw light at the end of the tunnel, a massive door was waiting for them on the otherside and soon they were out --- Stepping on earth again and surveying the area, Jonas looked around and saw yet more jungle area, with a dirt path leading to somewhere.

This one was large, however. It looks large enough to fit a semi truck and have enough room for people to still come in through the sides. It was also here that the tracks stop and was replaced by rows upon rows of Septimian battle armor.
The armor sets were even complete with Septimian Legionnary helmets. Many of them.

Upon closer inspection, Jonas said.
"Septimian Duraframe segmented armor. Very protective armor, great for protecting the whole body even from laser bolts and Kinetic rounds fired at it, not to mention being made to protect most the body and being light... This place must have been somekind of armory for it to hold armor in such large numbers."

Looking at the large door and stepping out Jonas said.
"Tracks stop here... But the road seems to lead somewhere important."

"Ja, looks like this place is the back entrance or something." Grandpa Leon said.

Jonas replied.
"The Septimians must have used this as a way to get the treasure in or out."

Dian approached his brother and said.
"Let's follow the road, can't be any worse then standing around here."

With that, the group followed the old dirt road, the path they followed was long and somewhat narrow as it cuts through the foliage and masses of trees in the way. Sometimes, the group would even have to bypass some sections of the road due to trees being in the way or moving the occasional wooden log in the way.

Soon enough however, after getting through it, the group started to hear something loud. But there was also a distinctive smell in the air.
"Wait, doesn't that smell like something burning?" Asked Dian.
Indeed, as they kept walking forward and as the sound got louder and the smell got stronger until the group ultimately came around the corner.

What the 3 of them saw astonished and baffled them at the same time. Their eyes widening as they saw it for themselves: A whole village set alight and the fires were only getting stronger and spreading farther unto other houses. The village was located in a clearing and so the smoke could clearly be seen.

Dian said.
"Scheisse! That's a whole village of locals, The fires spread all over the place!"

"My God..." Grandpa Leon said in shock.

Without saying a word, the group made their way to the sight. Fortunately the burning village wasn't that far away from where they were and the old dirt path leads directly to it as well. As such they were able to get there relatively quickly.

When they arrived, they found that the majority of the village was already gone. The wooden fence and Gateway signifying its boundaries and point of entry were burnt and destroyed and those buildings that still remained but were on fire had massive ammounts of smoke coming out of them.

However as the group got there expecting to find people and bodies they  instead found the same thing they saw in the other village, yet more ancient mass graves. All the bones they saw look to be ancient and none were killed recently. The mere fact that this village was burning made for unwelcome implications.

(On Hiatus.) The Treasure of the Crusable. An Adventurer story.Where stories live. Discover now