Chapter 3: Toya's scars -P2-

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I'm actually surprised that the book has already got more than 1,3k reads when I uploaded only 4 chapters of the childhood of Layami. THANKS
Well where were we? Oh yes, after Toya's return from a whole day of absence.

(It's Natsuo's POV of course)

Toya and mom in the kitchen, a complete silence that no one of the two broke it for minutes.
- Mom: I'm almost done.
- Toya: It... hurts.
- Mom: I know, but it's necessary... just be strong.
Mom spelled the words awkwardly while treating his scars, trying to show him that his burnt hands will be okay, she tried her best not to break in tears, knowing that it will only make things worse for Toya.

- Mom: I've finished.
The thing that was crushing my mom's heart besides the scars on his hands was the blank expression on his face, she could bear it any longer, she hugged him tightly while crying.
- Mom: I'm sorry...
Both went to their rooms after that. Toya lied his tired body on his bed but kept his eyes opened, he couldn't sleep yet... Thinking of all what happened today. It was when his room's door was opened all of a sudden, someone turned the lights on. It was no one other than Layami.
- Layami: It's me! Mom allowed me to sleep with you.
Layami didn't wait for a response, she got on Toya's bed and lied beside him then switched off the lamp, she was extremely happy to spend the night with her oldest brother.
- Layami: I'm happy!! So happy!!
He didn't even look at her, all what he was doing was staring up at the ceiling with hopless eyes.
- Layami: You don't look happy...
She was sick of his silence!,
- Layami: Please!! Just smile already!!
No response again. Layami climbed lazily out of the bed heading towards the door, few moments later and she was back, back with her lovely Teddy bear.
- Layami: It's my friend Teddy and... and... he makes me happy all the time, take it.
Layami never let anyone play with her stuffed bear, she barely let us touch it so this attempt of making Toya smile through Teddy was so valuable for her.
And yet he didn't take the bear from her.
- Layami: Ow... Your hands are hurt, you can't hold the bear.
She took away his blankets then breathed out over his hands with all her strength over and over, she stopped to catch her breath then looked at him with an innocent smile, a smile of a 3 year old girl.
- Layami: Are they healed now??
Toya didn't even blink.
- Layami: Maybe they need more air...
Again, she breathed in and out over his hands as if she was setting fire. But she soon realized that this method won't work.
- Layami: Do I have to blow it on your face?
It looked like this worked... Toya got up instantly as if water was suddenly poured on his face, he looked at her with a mix of emotions, mainly anger.
- Layami (innocently): Do you feel better now?
He pulled the blankets back on him before staring at the ceiling, AGAIN.
- Layami: What are you staring at!
She took a deep breath in disappointment, and when she was about to close her eyes and give up to sleep she accidentally touched Toya's hands which caused him to wince in pain and pull out his hands quickly.
- Layami: I'm... I'm sorry...
- Toya: It wasn't your fault, it's his.
- Layami: Who?
He hesitated before continuing.
- Toya: You won't understand, you're just a child.
- Layami: Aren't you a child too?
He murmured some random words that his sister couldn't understand.
- Toya: It's late, you should sleep.
- Layami: What about you?
- Toya: I'll sleep too, maybe not...
- Layami: How are your hands?
- Toya: My injury is not that bad, (muttering) not like my heart's injury...
She didn't understand a word of his speech but she figured that his hands are still hurting him. She pulled the blankets back on her and Toya then started singing Lowly.
- Layami: Oh pain, Oh pain, go away from my brother,  pain, pain, don't let us apart from each other.
Toya couldn't hide his surprise hearing this song's words from a 2 year old girl.
- Layami: You love it?! Mom always sings this to me and Shoto when we're hurt, it usually works with "pain go away from my daugher" but no problem. (innocently) Do you feel better?
- Toya: Layami listen this is cute but...
- Layami (interrupting): Shhhh! I'll sing until you fall asleep.
- Toya: And if I don't?
- Layami: Then I'll sing until the morning!
- Toya: But... won't you sleep?
- Layami: Shhh close your eyes.
He did as his little big sister told him, trying to ignore his pain and focus on Layami's song. She kept repeating it over and over, suddenly she stopped.
- Layami: Toya... You're crying!!!!
True, some tears escaped his closed eyes and ran down his cheek.
- Layami: Do you want me to stop?
- Toya: No... please, sing.
- Layami: Oh pain, Oh pain, go away from my brother,  pain, pain, don't let us apart from each other.
She kept singing until she fell asleep, she and Toya had beautiful dreams that night because of Layami's song, they both slept like a log.
And then the morning...
- Shoto: Mom wake up.
- Mom (half asleep): Shoto... Is that you?
- Shoto: Where is Layami?
- Mom: In my pocket.
- Shoto: Mom wake up!!!! Layami isn't here!!!
She finally opened her eyes to look at him.
- Mom: She's in Toya's room, she slept with him.
Shoto left our mom and went out looking for Layami, they're used to do everything together after all.
- Fuyumi: NO SHOTO NOOO!!!!!!!
- Natsuo: SHOTO!!!!
he jumped on us interrupting my joyful dreams of superheroes.
- Shoto (laughing): Wake up! Wake up!
- Fuyumi: Fine fine I'm awake!
- Natsuo: Is mom still asleep?
- Shoto: Yeah!
- Fuyumi: Of course she is, she stayed awake to treat Toya's scars.
- Natsuo: Speaking of which, I want a logical explanation of where he was yesterday and how he got those injuries.
- Fuyumi: That's  IF he accepts to talk. Anyway where is Layami? Shoto?
- Shoto: In... Toya's room, she slept with him.
- Natsuo: I'm surprised! It's the first time mom let one of you sleep in a room other than hers.
- Fuyumi: I'm curious now...Let's check on them.
The three of us went to see them... only to find our big brother and our little sister laughing uncontrollably.
- Toya (laughing): Enough!! Please!!
Layami was changing her face's expression imitating different people, which apparently was more than enough to make Toya laugh.
- Toya: I can't laugh more than that!
- Layami: Me either!
- Fuyumi: Well I think we can!
- Toya: Since when did you
- Natsuo (interrupting): 10 years ago, I mean 10 seconds ago.
- Layami: Hey Shoto look!!
- Shoto (laughing): Woaa that's funny! I can do it too! (imitating Layami)
- Layami: Awesome!! Let's show it to mama!
- Shoto: Yes!!
The both ran to the door leaving me and Fuyumi with Toya and a complete silence.
- Toya: She's cute.
That was surprising... I mean hearing it from the boy who almost died yesterday from burns.
- Natsuo: It seems you both enjoyed the night.
- Toya: Not that much...
An awkward silence filled the place again.
- Fuyumi: How do you feel now? Are your hands still hurting you?
- Toya: Only when I touch something.
- Natsuo: Toya can tell us... what happened please?
He was about to say something but he tightened his lips together at the last moment.
Well... I've always believed that our family is one of the most complicated families of the world.
- Fuyumi: If there is anything that bothers you just tell us, (smiling) we're your family after all... Please Toya.
She tried to convince him with her smile of a caring sister, and for a moment I saw a mix of emotions in his turquoise eyes... Confusion, anger, sadness, I can’t tell what was it exactly, but Toya is surely hiding something, a weight on his shoulders that he doesn't want us to know.
- Fuyumi: If you don't want to tell us it's fine, I mean... (smiling) we only want to help.
- Natsuo: we're sorry.
We were about to leave he finally decided to talk.
- Toya: I was playing with my friends and...
- Natsuo: And?
- Toya: Each one of us used his quirk.
- Natsuo: Didn't mom warn you from using your quirk?
- Fuyumi: Yes she did, we're all disallowed to use our quirks since ONE OF US broke our neighbor's window with his ice.
- Natsuo: Do we really have to talk about this??It wasn't my fault!
Oops... We changed the main subject.
- Natsuo: Sorry...
- Fuyumi: Continue, please.
- Toya: I overpassed the limits of my fire and I ended up having my hands burnt, that's all.
- Natsuo: That's... awful bro.
- Fuyumi: You should tell mom about it.
- Toya: No! Don't.
- Natsuo: Why not?
- Toya: I'll tell her myself, later.
- Layami: I forgot Teddy!!!
She ran to us and took her stuffed bear from the bed, then she turned towards Toya and smiled.
- Layami: bye bye Toya!
- Toya (smiling): Bye bye Layami.
Then she left.
- Natsuo: How lovely... Bye bye Toya! As if she's leaving the house!
- Fuyumi: She's only two, Natsuo.
- Layami: Breakfast is ready!
- Shoto: Hurry!!!!
- Natsuo: Finally... We're coming!
The two of them ran back again to the kitchen, we followed them right away.
I was surprised to see how mom acted as if nothing happened, she didn't ask Toya about yesterday as if it was just a bad dream far from reality.
- Toya: How am I... supposed to eat.
He finally broke the silence.
- Mom: I'll feed you myself, don't worry.
It was a funny scene to watch... Mom filling the spoon and putting it in Toya's mouth.
- Fuyumi: omg you looks like...
- Natsuo: You looks like a baby!!
We laughed so much that we could hardly breath! Layami and Shoto laughed too.
- Toya: Yeah yeah, how funny.
- Shoto (confused): Mom... Feed me too.
- Layami: Hey!!!!!!!!
Even mom let out a laugh from the situation.
Toya suffered a lot during that week, he found himself unable to do so much activities that required... well that required his hands to be in a good state. At least now he knows that his hands are precious...
- Fuyumi: Mom can we play with the ball please?
- Mom: Have you finished your homework?
- Natsuo: Yep!
- Mom: OK then, (smiling) go.
- Toya: Wait I'll join you!
- Mom: Impossible, you should rest.
- Toya: But
- Mom (interrupting): Your hands aren't healed completely yet.
- Layami: Mom... Won't he join us?
- Mom: No dear, your brother is injured.
- Layami: If he doesn't play... then I won't!
- Mom: What?!!
We were surprised... She sat next to Toya and put one hand over another showing us how angry she is.
- Toya: Layami go play with them! It's no big deal!
- Layami: No I won't, unless you go too.
- Shoto: If she doesn't go... Then I'm staying here too!
- Natsuo: Oh C'mon!!!!
- Mom: Toya can't play with you. Now Go out to play.
We had no other choice but to go, only Layami stayed with Toya, sitting on the sofa and watching heroes on TV.
- Toya: Please Layami you're making me feel guilty! Go play with them, have fun!
She refused, an expected answer.
- Toya: C'mon don't be stubborn!!
- Layami: I'm not su-b-n I'm Layami!!
- Toya: It's "stubborn"
- Layami: It's "Layami"
- Mom: Fine!!! Toya go play with your siblings but be careful. Layamj, are you happy now?
- Layami (smiling innocently): Yes!!
- Toya: No you're not happy, you're Layami!
- Layami (confused): But I... I'm... I...
- Toya (laughing): Just kidding! C'mon Let's go surprise them.
And since that day Toya was allowed to play with us, and since Football is a game that doesn't require using your hands to touch the ball it was the perfect game for Toya.
Toya suffered Yes, but he had got an advantage that all of us wanted to have, shcool.
He had a whole week as holidays from homework and lessons, his hands are injured, he can't write. He was spending his time by playing with Layami and Shoto and watching TV, and enjoying the special care our mom gives him.
We had to listen to Toya's screams every night as well, when mom had to change his bandages.
Layami was sleeping with Toya the whole week saying that he needs a hug from her Teddy bear or else he'll be sad. That seemed to make Toya happy.
- Toya: Ouch Ouch Ouch!!!
- Mom: The last bandage is removed, (joking) your hands are as good as new sir.
- Fuyumi: Not a single scar on your hands! Thank goodness.
- Natsuo: Back to school Toya!
- Shoto: Let's play!!! Let's play!!!
- Toya (lifting Shoto in his arms): Yeah Shoto, let's play.
I saw Layami look at Teddy with a smile.
- Layami: See Teddy? We made Toya smile again!
- Natsuo (smiling): Oh Layami!
I lifted her and put her on my back.
- Layami: Let's play!!!!

Layami Todoroki- Shoto and Toya's sister 1Where stories live. Discover now