Chapter 5: Shoto's 4th birthday

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Our life was perfect, or at least that part of it was I remember that day when mom left us alone at home to go to the supermarket, and so when she was back she found the whole house upside down! Shoto and Layami were running everywhere, Fuyumi had decided to be the mother and had locked herself up in the kitchen saying that she would cook us lunch, and Toya Well, I dont remember what Toya did, nor if he actually was with us in the house.

I also remember that day when a violent dispute happened between Shoto and Layami while they were playing. They were just three and two years old but they were really, really serious in their dispute, they refused to talk to each other and it lasted 24 hours until mom interfered with a trick:

Huh? Did Shoto gave me these?! Layami said happily, but then she rose her eyebrows as if she remembered that she was talking to him any longer, I refuse to take it.

But Layami, mom said and fondled her head, Shoto is sorry, he bought these candies especially for you.

And then Layami couldnt resist and accepted the apology, the apology that never happened because mom lied, a white lie as they say, and did the same to Shoto telling him that Layami had bought candies for him as an apology.

And then everyone was happy!

Everyone remained happy, until Shotos fourth birthday came 10 January.

Wow Shoto! Tomorrow will be your birthday! my 3-year-old little sister shouted in an innocent joy, Shoto will be four!

I know!! Im so excited! Shoto shouted back.

You may get your quirk tomorrow Shoto! I said with a giggle.

Fuyumi rose her eyebrows and answered Dont be silly, Natsuo, his quirk can appear on any day, there is a low probability that it will actually be tomorrow.

I know but, I stopped and took a bite of my Snickers candy, Toya got his on his fourth birthday, didnt he?

Hmm Youre right. I wonder what power will be Fuyumi trailed off.

What power do you want to get? Shoto?

Huh? Me? Umm I dont know.

Me! Fire!! Layami shouted jauntily.

Fancy getting Toyas same quirk Shoto, it will be awesome! Toya? Toya??

From earth to Toya, do you copy?

Toya remained silent like a statue during our conversation and it took us a few minutes to manage to draw him out of his deep thoughts.

Huh? What! What is it? Toya finally woke up.

Whats the matter? What are you thinking of?

Nothing It doesnt matter.

At least express your happiness with us! Talk with us, Toya.

Ok What were you talking about?

My jaw dropped to the floor, You werent even listening?! Toya, bro, are you ok?

We looked at him worriedly and it seemed like the eye contact made him nervous.

Im I dunno. He shrugged.

Oh I know! I uttered, You think about dad, you know hell come tomorrow to attend the birthday party.

HE WILL?! Shoto gasped.

Of course he will! How can dad forget your birthday Shoto? Fuyumi tried to make her words sound assuring but apparently failed.

Whos dad? Layami asked in a sheer innocence because she had never saw him.

Dont be silly! You too! Its dad, the hero of fires you always see on TV.

Shoto looked down and asked Toya Will dad be present? Really?

We all looked hard at Toya trying to make him understand that he had to say something nice about dad, even for once in his life, but that was definitely one of the things that can never happen, ever.

He wont, Shoto, he wont. Toya harshly said, Hes busy fighting I dont care who. And if he comes, he will only be here to--

Fuyumi grabbed Shotos hand all of a sudden, Lets play the princess and the monster game! she shouted to obliterate Toyas voice.

Hopefully, Shoto instantly forgot Toyas words and rushed to accompany Fuyumi and Layami to the house yard to play.

Man, you were rude. I said.

Im NOT. Toya shouted at me, Im just telling him the truth so that he doesnt get shocked tomorrow.

Dad will come, he phoned mom yesterday and she asked him and he said yes.

Toya didnt want our conversation to last any longer and he just walked away, but I heard him murmur some creepy words in his way Youre just ignorant, you dont know.

What dont I know?! I wondered, I know everything about the house, I know all its habitants secrets: I know that Fuyumi is being sometimes bullied at school because our father preferred to fight crimes instead of raising his children, I know that Shoto and Layami have sort of a weird connection between them. When one of them is sick, the other is too. When one of them is sad, the other is too. And I of course know that Toya is going every morning outdoors to a place called Sikoto to train and I know that mom doesnt want him to go there but its out of her hand.

This house is full of secrets, sick ones that made me hate the fact that I was born here. And its all creepy, creepily uncomfortable, because there is still one habitant of the house that I dont know anything about: Dad.

We spent the day preparing for tomorrows little party. Toya, Fuyumi and I had to accomplish any mission that mom was giving us while Shoto and Layami were just playing and running, enjoying their time because they were too young to do any task properly. In the afternoon, we all went to but birthday candies and candles and other stuff for the party.

Balloons, ceiling decorations, candles, birthday hats Thats a lot! Toya complained.

I know, but tomorrow is a special day. Mom smiled, Its Shotos fourth birthday and in our family, the fourth birthdays are always big days that must be celebrated properly.

And later that evening, when everyone was busy dealing with the decorations stuff, Shoto stood up on the top of the kitchen table and looked at us and smiled.

Listen!! Shoto has something to say. Layami shouted dragging everyones attention.

Umm Thank you, for all your efforts.

That was it, a short sentence but that contained myriads of innocent feelings of love and respect and everything that a cute child can say and that can make you throw up a rainbow.


And at that moment, I turned round and I saw Toya smiling. My eyes caught him on a moment that I thought would never happen.

And yet it happened, Toya did have a heart, he did cared for Shoto and for his birthday.

But something deep inside me was telling me that it wasn't enough, that Toya's smile wasn't enough to make me feel relieved about tomorrow, because there was still that other person, of our family, that stranger who will no longer be a stranger once he opens our door tomorrow, and that we will never know the real reasons behind his coming unless the bad consequences happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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