𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦

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3rd person pov (outfit up there ☝🏾)

Sebastian sighs as he looks at his pocket watch waiting at the door for his guest to arrive. "She's running late .. how can i ever call her my sibling." he said rubbing the temples on his head before he heard three slow knocks. He sighed a little before standing behind the door opening it wide enough for the dark skinned raven haired girl to step in. She looked around with a dull facial expression, her eye color was the same as her older brothers. "welcome y/n ... It's been a whi-" Was all he could get out before she ran and jumped on him dropping all her bags to hug him. "Oh Sebastian! It's been too long i missed you!" She said as she hung off hugging him before Sebastian pulled her off him which caused her to squirm to get out of his hand.

Y/n sighed and jumped off his arm to straighten her dress out and fix anything that got ruined by hugging him. "Anyways y/n .. you'll be working here with lord Ceil, you'll mainly be helping with lord ceils needs as i am so please don't screw this up y/n or i will send you back to hell or the grim reapers." Those exact words made the hairs on her neck stand up before she shook her head rapidly. She grabbed her bags and looked around the manor.

Sebastian grabbed her bags and walked up the stairs as she trailed behind him, "Where is lord ceil ?" she asked looked at all the old paintings and statues. "He's in his study but you'll see him once i put your bags in your room."

Once they were finished putting everything up they went to go to the big study room ceil was in, Sebastian gently knocked on his door before hearing a faint 'come in.' He opened the door revealing himself and y/n, "my lord i would like you to meet my sister y/n she'll be taking care of your needs my lord." He bowed his head putting his right hand on his heart, y/n did the same but curtsied. "it's a pleasure to meet you lord ceil." She said in a soft voice before lifting up to meet the gaze of a light red faced young boy behind a table of chess pieces.

"Nice to meet you also y/n." he said adjusting his positions in his chair before Sebastian turned to y/n and gently smiled "go introduce yourself to the other staff lord ceil wants to chat with me." Those words had caused y/n to nod her head and leave out the room.

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