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Ceil looked at Sebastian and sighed a little, "if i knew your sibling was coming over i would have made a proper introduction for myself." Ceil said as he got up and dusted himself off. Sebastian bowed to him with a slight smirk on his face before lifting back up, "im sorry young master but she unfortunately told me last minute so i had to prepare last minute." Ceil shook his head and walked towards the door opening it, walking around to see y/n. "Sebastian today we will go and investigate that circus, it seems too convenient that once this circus came a lot of children went missing."  Ceil said as he walked into the kitchen looking at y/n talking to Finnian about whatever.

Ceil looked at the two and put on a fake smile, "im sorry i haven't formally introduced myself." Was all he had to say before finnian bowed his head to y/n before going out to the garden to tend to his duties. "i'm Ceil the owner of this house as you already know, to my knowledge you're gonna be my personal maid correct?" ceil asked as he walked up to the 1 inch taller girl in which she nodded her head.  "Good to know but i never knew Sebastian had a younger sibling.. i overheard that you were with the reapers, do you have a death scythe?' he asked looking over at her to see what she pulls out or if she pulls out anything at all.

Y/n looked at him a little confused at first but then shakes her head no. "No, I'm not a grim reaper i'm a demon I was just there to help out undertaker in his morgue." She said in a light raspy but soft voice as she watched him walk circles around her, "um lord ceil should we fill y/n on what we are doing?" Sebastian said as he looked at his pocket watch and then back at ceil.

ceil cleared is throat and went back in front of Sebastian, "Yes right, we're going to go and investigate this new circus and we need you to accompany us on this journey." He said as the smile dropped from his face. "Well shall we go now?" Sebastian piped up to say and with that both ceil and y/n nods their head in unison.

As they arrived to the circus tent Ceil clenched his jaw at everything he saw.

he let out a small sigh before the carriage stopped and all three of them got out, ceil looked around and went towards the tent before getting stopped by a clown/joker looking guy. "Well ill be beaten silly .. your Ceil phantomhive! It's a pleasure to meet you im joker." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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