Chapter 7

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*Quil's backyard*

After Sam handled Quil and helped him phase back we all got to approach him.

Nina asked because his back was turned away. Quil whipped around hearing her voice. He quickly ran to her engorging her in a hug with his arms around her neck and her arms around his waist.

"Nina, I missed you so much."
Quil tells Nina and she hugs him tighter.

"I missed you to."
Nina patted his back. Quil let go and turned to Embry.

"Hey, man."
Embry greeted with a huge smile, him and Quil do a bro hug before a bone crushing hug. They let go and we all smiled except for Jared who had a smirk.

"Looks like someone stole your man, Nina."
Jared jokes bumping his shoulder with Nina. Embry and Quil roll their eyes. Jacob walked up to Quil.

"Wow, no warm moment for me?"
Jacob laughed grabbing Quil, they hugged tightly before letting go.

"Okay, we all have to head to the hospital to check on Harry and his family."

*At The Hospital*

The Clearwater's, the pack and the council were in the waiting room. The doctor came out and we let the Clearwater's, Sue, Seth and Leah stand up.

"I'm sorry to inform you but your husband, father has passed."
The doctor told them and Seth shook his head. Nina saw racing over to him pulling him into a hug. He immediately returned and sobbed into her shoulder.

Sam started because he was worried the consequences if Nina shifted, but was cut off by Billy.

"Let her do this, Sam. It'll be alright."
Billy told Sam who nodded reluctantly.

"It's okay, I'm here for you."
Nina comforted. Sue was bawling her eyes out hugging her daughter Leah. You can tell Leah was shoving down her emotions to stay strong for her family. Seth sobbed more holding onto Nina tighter.

Leah let go of Sue running out of the hospital. Sue tried to go after her but Nina let go of Seth holding a reassuring hand up.
"I got it, stay with your son."
Nina sadly smiled and Sue gave her a grateful nod.

Nina ran off to see Leah on the steps crying before snapping her eyes at Nina.
"I don't need your sympathy."
Leah snapped wiping her eyes quickly.

"Okay, then you'll hear the truth."
Nina told her sitting down beside her. Leah didn't object she just rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry about your father passing, I'm not going to tell you I know how you feel because I don't. But, it's okay to cry, it's okay to feel pain. Even though it hurts, it'll hurt more when you hide it."
Nina comforted giving her a small smile, Leah looked away.

"I have to stay strong. And you don't know what I feel like, at all. Your father left, you don't have to deal with the pain of all those good memories being gone."
Leah tried not to raise her voice. Nina nodded sadly.

"You're right. But, you're father didn't choose to leave, he loves you and Seth and he was so proud of you. He talked about you a lot, how you're strong, independent and honest. You definitely sound like a feminist to me."
Nina spoke softly letting a joke slip out and Leah laughed slightly.

"I'm not going to make you cry but know that if you need to I'm here. Just cry on my other shoulder so the dampness evens out with my other one."
Nina told her standing up, with a slight joke to lighten up the mood. Leah laughed softly getting up to hug Nina.

Leah couldn't hold back anymore and cried on Nina's shoulder nuzzling her face to Nina's neck. But, Leah did listen and cried on the one Seth didn't.
"I miss him so much already."
Leah confessed, Nina rubbed her back soothingly.

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