Chapter 9

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'Yeah, Jake. It's called a serious relationship, should try it one time in your life.'

Nina and Embry stayed the night at Emily's, since him, Jared and Jacob have some stuff to do in the morning.

Nina woke up to the light flashing on and off, Nina and Embry were sleeping in. Her head laying on Embry's chest, her leg over his leg cuddling. Nina felt Embry's chest grumble as he groaned.

"Wake up. We gotta go take care of business."
Jared replies, Nina whines pulling herself up more to bury her face in Embry's neck. Embry smiles widely as Jared smirks.

"Can't you and Jake just do it by yourselves?"
Embry asks because he really doesn't wanna leave Nina.

"Nope, we need you to lover boy."
Jared smirks, he knows Embry just doesn't want to leave his imprint. Embry groans as he kisses his imprints head slowly pushing her off. She whines but doesn't stop him.

"I'll be back in a few."
Embry tells her leaning down to give her a kiss. Nina just pouts.

"Fine, no kiss then."
Embry smirks about to walk away but Nina grabs his arm pulling him back down and giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you."
Nina says.

"I love you to."
Embry smiles and gets up, walking out with Jared patting his back proudly for them saying 'I love you'.

Nina gets up a few minutes after they left, heading downstairs to see Emily cooking and Sam behind her with his arms wrapped around her.

"Good morning, Nina."
Sam greets with his chin resting on Emily's shoulder.

"If it was a good morning my boyfriend wouldn't have to leave me to kill a vampire."
Nina grumbled, Sam smiled widely.

"Embry had to go, an extra set of eyes and he's got the best eyesight."
Sam says truthfully.

"Why couldn't I go with them? I can handle myself, I've killed that dreaded freak pretty easily by myself."
Nina replies as she grabs a piece of toast Emily made taking a bite.

"You're doing everything around here, Nina. The boys gotta get their game back, and they can't do that when you do all their jobs."
Sam explains now leaning on a counter with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, well who tells me to do everything around her as punishment? Plus, what's the problem, another leech dead is just another leech dead."
Nina shrugs, there was a knock at the door. She goes to answer it, opening the door to see Bella. She quickly closes the door again locking it.

Emily yells, she jogs up to the door unlocking it and opening the door.

"Sorry, she's being Nina. Bella are you okay?"
Emily asks, it's pouring rain outside.

"Yeah, I just... is Jacob here? He wasn't home."
Swan asks and Nina rolls her eyes.

Nina mumbled loud enough for Bella to hear.

Sam sighs rubbing his hand down his face.

"He's with Jared and Embry, keeping an eye on things. I'm heading out soon, should I tell him something?"
Sam asks, Bella looks kinda worried.

"You want to come in?"
Emily ask nicely, Bella just walks back to her truck.

Nina headed towards the sliding door about to head outside.
"What are you doing?"
Sam asks curiously.

"Just gonna go outside."
Nina shrugged, she walked outback onto the forest. She took her clothes off and shifted, immediately hearing her boys thoughts.

'Embry said I loovvee you to, Nina.'
Jared teased and Nina chuckled a bit.

Ember questioned looking around.

'Where are you guys?'
Nina asked and saw that they were by a creek not to far away.

'I'm on my way.'
Nina said as she sprinted. She's the fastest in the pack.

'Soo, you guys said the big L word?'
Jakes teases and Nina growl's lowly.

'Yeah, Jake. It's called a serious relationship, should try it one time in your life.'
Nina made Jake growl, she approaches the boys.

Jake tries to pounce on Nina but Jared grabs him by his neck fur and throws him back to where he was.

Nina goes to Embry rubbing her head with his.

Sam's voice ran out in their heads.

'What now?'
Nina thought and Sam appeared where they all were.

'You were supposed to stay with Emily. Embry, Jared take south side of the forest, Jake take east, I'll take North and Nina go-'
Sam orders but gets interrupted.

'East with Jake got it.'
Nina nods her head about to head east but Sam bites the back of her neck fat dragging her back. Nina whines with a 'arff' and Embry was in front of her in a second.

Embry growls, Sam rolls his eyes.

'I barely touched her.'
Sam defended, Embry stayed to her side.

'Go protect Emily, there's a leech on the loose.'
Sam says sternly, but Nina wasn't listening instead she was watching a butterfly.

'Nina, go see Emily. Make sure she stays safe.'
Jared says, Nina looks at him nodding.

'Now she listens.'
Sam groans shaking his head.

'You love me.'
Nina says walking up the hill about to go see Emily.

'Hard to understand why sometimes.'
Sam jokes.

'I love you, Nina.'
Embry says with echos of 'ooo's'.

'I love you to.'
Nina says running back to the house.

'I looovvee you Ninnaaa.'
Jared teases Embry.

'Shut up, we gotta do our job.'
Embry says, I smile widely as I see the path to Sam's house before I smell burning flesh... leech.

Nina starts but a mop of curly red hair stops her thinking.

"Hey pretty kitty"
The ginger leech taunts, she growls harshly.

'I found the leech.'
Nina tells them.

'Don't try to fight with her yet. She's a tough one, wait for us to get there.'
Sam orders.

'We're on our way, stay safe Nina.'
Jared responds immediately.

I snap my mouth at her, she chuckles. You know what? Fuck it.

I walk around her, trying to guard her away from the rez in case she runs.

'Nina! I'm not kidding she's dangerous.'
Sam warns seeing me threw the mind link.

I pounce at her biting her arm as she pushes me sending me to the dirt but I stick the landing.

'Nina, we're almost there please just wait.'
Embry pleads and my anger softens.

"That human you guys protect, the one with the scar... She screamed pretty loud when I got to her."
The leech smirks, my eyes widen. Is Emily okay? Wouldn't Sam feel it if she died? My anger immediately returns.

'Nina... rip her apart.'
Sam echos in my head.

I pounce on the red head fast enough to pin her to the ground. I try to go bite off her head but her hands place on the insides of my mouth widening it inch by inch. I try to get away but it wasn't working.

I finally scratched her arms making her let go but throw me hard into a tree. I feel numb in my head... everything goes blurry and I see red liquid before everything is black.

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