Raptor Chase

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He turned his bike around holding a hand out for me to take. "Velociraptor trainer husband to the rescue." He smirks down at me where I death gripped his hand in relief.

He pulled me up to my feet where I jumped onto the back of his bike. He reved it up feeling my arms wrap tightly around his waist so he took off. The wind blows through my hair where I looked over my shoulder seeing the Atrociraptors on our tail once again. Owen yanked the bike through the streets with one almost biting my leg. Burying my face in the back of him he increased the speed moving around trucks. One of the raptors gets hit and knocked out by a truck. This makes me think of my other siblings. When we used them to find the indominus back on the island. Owen whipped his head around seeing them still quickly approaching us. One of them snapped trying to box us in until we turned down a staircase making it hit the wall shaking its head then chasing again.

"Owen, look out!" I screamed seeing one of them running up on a ledge right above our heads. They truly were raptors if they are as fast and as smart as Blue and I were. He glanced over his shoulder yanking the bike in between cars driving so the raptor hit the ground harshly. Death gripping his waist we managed to make it out of town with two still on our tail. One launched itself claw into my leg making me cry out kicking it away so it rolled into the dust. I saw Claire waiting inside an airplane opening the door. Owen gave the bike everything it had launching us up onto the ramp. He wrapped his arms around me barrel rolling away from the bike before it smacked the wall. "Raptor!" I shouted seeing one had successfully jumped into the plane. The bike lays near me so I used all my strength pushing it out towards the raptor. It loses its footing and gets thrown out into the water when we were high enough from the ground.

Pressing my back into the metal wall my chest heaving up and down with me trying to catch my breath. Claire hugged Owen for dear life where the airplane door closed behind us. Wincing sharply I felt something in my leg looking down one of the raptors managed to break the tip of their claws into my right thigh. The pair broke away hearing me in pain immediately rushing over. Owen was on his hands and knees calling in the Alpha tone since I was starting to panic. "Y/n, eyes on me. Alright I'm gonna pull it out in 1...2.3." He wrapped his hand around the claw yanking it out quickly where I moaned sharply. Wrapping my arms around his neck I sighed while Claire found something to wrap the hole in my pants leg up so it wouldn't get infected. "Sash I've got you. You're alright...the baby?" He broke the hug resting his freehand on my stomach concern laced in his green eyes.

"We're okay I think...Owen. I think - I think those things were made of my blood or something. They kept chasing me in both forms..." I shutter wrapping my arms around his neck burying my face in his embrace. Claire sat down in one seat buckling herself in. He helped me to my feet taking the front seat sitting me on his lap for the flight. Closing my eyes I tried to get rest feeling exhausted from all that running. Thankfully I haven't had any sickness or cramps yet through this whole thing like I did when we faced the Indoraptor. Owen shifted looking out the window hearing something flying over us. "That's another plane right?" The pilot woman shakes her head no right when I saw what it actually was. A phyradactal flying around us, multiple ones in fact. It flies away where I sighed thinking we're fine then suddenly it poked its head through the top of the plane causing the controls to start failing with flashing warnings.

"Where are the pairshoots?" Owen asked starting to get up but I death gripped his forearms. "There's only one and it's the seat you're friends sitting it." The pilot woman spoke for Claire and I too share the same look. She frantically tried undoing the locks grabbing my hand so I would take her spot. "Y/n, here help me out. You take it. They're your kids. I'll...we'll be fine." She released tears when I shake my head no at my friend's words. If only one of us makes it alive off this plane and saves the girls I'm glad it's her. "Claire no. You're going. Maisie and Jewel need you." Owen keeps his arms around my waist seeing we're both crying now. "But you're their mother not me.." She whispered under her breath squeezing my hand holding hers. "You have to go Claire. If only one of us survived you were gonna be in charge of them anyway." Owen nodded resting his freehand over ours reaching for the lever that would launch her out of the plane. "She's right. You're their second mom. You're their only shot. We'll see you again." He launched her out before I whimpered flinging my arms around his neck crying. "I love you Owen Grady..." He buried his face into my hair before the plane crashed into the icy watera below. "I love you too Y/n...I always will."

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