Chapter 12

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          Huey sat relaxed in a chair, the water around him cooling his skin. His friends stood at the edge of the moat, looking down at him.
           "Not it." Kai said. Everyone looked at him.
           Lance sighed. "I'll do it." He dove into the moat and swam down.
            The rest of them watched Lance wrestle with Huey, who was yelling things such as "Unhand me, fiend!" And "I was taking a nap, you monster!"
           Lance shot upward and brought Huey out of the water, kicking and screaming. "I got him." Lance said, dodging Huey's punches. He brought Huey to the invisible wall, still shouting and flailing about. Lance growled and hurled him at the wall. Huey slammed into the wall and fell to the ground.
He got up and shook his head. "What happened?" He asked.
           "Hit the wall with your sword." Kai said. Huey shrugged and summoned Borathenus, swinging it at the wall. The invisible wall shattered, falling to pieces against the ground. Everyone looked at one another as Huey freaked out about his sword breaking.
           "So I guess we go in." Duros said. Everyone nodded, walking across the bridge. Lance grabbed Huey's collar and dragged him along behind them.

          Aro silently crept through the tunnels, Uel and Samuel following close behind. Jack limped behind Samuel, almost falling behind. Uel tossed his knife forward, illuminating the tunnel in front of them. A soft orange glow was approaching them. Uel called his knife back and got ready for a fight. The light went out, Aro activating his elven night vision. He looked around, the tunnel still hazy. Uel and Samuel dashed forward with a shout. Samuel grabbed someone's hands and began brawling with them.
           "Wait!" Aro shouted. He enhanced his hand, creating a light glow, revealing Samuel clutching the open hand of a woman in a light purple kimono with flower designs adorning it, the star symbol for Virgo stitched on the left part of the kimono, glowing green eyes staring Samuel down.
            Samuel smiled smoothly. "Oh, hey." Virgo bared her teeth and effortlessly flipped Samuel over her head, slamming him into the ground.
Rin laughed and jumped off of Sagittarius. "Shouldn't you know by now? Virgo is a martial arts master." Virgo placed her hands together and bowed.
            "Isn't she supposed to be the maiden?" Aro asked.
           Quin nodded. "She is a maiden, but she still knows how to fight." She hopped off of Sagittarius, who bowed and disappeared.
           Aro smiled. "I'm glad you guys are alright."
           Rin glared down at Nickolas. "No thanks to him." Nickolas chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
Uel put away his knives. "You guys know what happened to everyone else?"
           "We're fine." Everyone turned around to see Krista coming through one of Jeffrey's portals. Ethan and Alexander walked through after her.
           Aro put his hand to his chin. "Has anyone seen Hydra?" He asked. Everyone thought for a moment.
           "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since we made camp before we entered this time." Alexander said.
           Ethan nodded. "He's a demon dragon. He'll be fine."
           Aro nodded. "Ok, now we have a way out."
           Smoak appeared beside them. "You guys left me." He said.
           Uel patted him on the shoulder. "Maybe we should have mentioned we were going exploring."
Suddenly, the ground above them exploded, a massive, glowing green axe coming through. Andrew landed with a thud, bigger than before, and so was his axe. He looked at Aro with bloodshot eyes.
He pointed at him. "You." The demon inside him said. Aro sank into a defensive stance, noticing that Andrew now had his bow's gem in his axe in addition to his own. Aro gritted his teeth. Andrew launched at him. Aro enhanced his arms and held them up, holding Andrew's axe back.
            "Get out of here!" Aro shouted. Rin helped Grunt through the portal, followed closely by Quin. Samuel helped Jack through the portal behind them. Uel's knives appeared in his hands. Aro looked over to him. "No, this is my fight. Trust me." Uel nodded and he and Smoak hurried through the portal. Aro pushed Andrew back, sending him sliding a few feet backward.
            Nickolas lowered his brow. "Aro!" He shouted. He tossed something orange at Aro, who caught it. He gripped it in both hands and blocked Andrew's axe with it. Aro looked into the small yellow gem that made the eye of the phoenix on the hilt of the sword: Phoenikus. Aro looked back at Nickolas. "I fixed it!" He shouted, jumping through the portal, which disappeared behind him. Aro once again pushed Andrew back, who mindlessly used brute force to continuously attack. Aro rolled out of the way, Andrew's axe sending massive chunks of stone into the air when the blade met the ground.
Aro held Phoenikus out in front of him. "Enhance!" He shouted. The sword blazed blue, its already amazing power increased. Blazing blue phoenix wings sprouted from Aro's back. Aro grinned. "Now we're talking!" He shouted, launching forward, locking blades with Andrew.

The Dragon's Bounty IV:NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now