Chapter 16

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Cyfrin blasted his way through demons left and right with his prism laser.
Khan landed beside him, sending out an electric shockwave around him. "So, what's the plan?" He asked. Aro was heard shouting in pain as the Demon King began to draw power from him.
"Keep that from happening." Cyfrin said, pointing toward them. Khan nodded. The Demon King smiled as his power slowly began to return to him. Suddenly, a blue blur slammed into his chin, causing him to step back a few feet. Khan caught his shield in the air and came down on the Demon King with his sword, which was covered in electricity. He slammed his sword into the Demon King's, the two engaging in a duel.
"This shouldn't be possible! I sent you away forever!"
Khan smiled. "Forever wasn't long enough." The Demon King growled and used his tail to swat Khan aside, looking back to find Aro missing. He clenched his teeth. He quickly extended his hand and stopped Andrew from hitting him with his axe.
"Pathetic." He said. He smiled. "While you're here." He looked over at Andrew, who was trying to push past the Demon King's hand. "You remember your friend, what was his name?" He smiled. "Oh yes, Micah?" Andrew's brow shot up as a flash appeared from his memory: bringing his axe down on his friend, and watching him disappear.
He dropped his axe and clutched his head, stepping back. "No." He said.
The Demon King smiled and began walking after him. "You did it. You killed him."
            "No." Andrew said again.
"Leave him alone!" Aro slammed his bow staff into the Demon King's head, knocking him aside a few steps. Aro met Andrew's gaze. "You didn't kill Micah. He used you."
Andrew shook his head. "But I did it." Aro smiled. He placed his hand on Andrew's arm, unable to reach his shoulder.
"Look at it this way. He used you as a weapon. Now, does a sword kill a person, or does the wielder of the sword kill a person?"
           Andrew took a deep breath. He lowered his brow. "You're right." He said. He bent down and picked up his axe, looking into the Demon King's eyes. "You killed my friend." He said, dropping the blade of his axe into the ground. "For that, you'll have to die!" He jumped up and raised the axe high above his head. He brought the axe down with a mighty swing and collided it with the Demon King's hand, which had moved into his way. The Demon King clamped down on Andrew's axe and flung him as far away as he could. He looked down at Aro, who chuckled and sprinted away.

Dagger sliced through the demons with his dark blade, ending up back to back with a familiar figure.
He smiled. "So, you created a zodiac just to come back and help?"
Harold laughed as he turned toward Dagger. "I sure did. I told you I'd see you again."
Dagger turned to look at him. "I might have to see what that entails for when I die." Harold shrugged as the snake on his sword zoomed past them and sank its fangs into the face of a demon that was about to attack Dagger.
"Oh, this is Serpens. He's my faithful companion."
Dagger shook his head with a chuckle. "You're weird, man." He said.
Harold shrugged. "Aren't we all?" The two launched back into battle together.

Ripsaw tore through the demons around him with his massive form, Taurus right beside him, laughing as he stepped on the demons around him. A stream of lightning shot out from Hydra's three mouths, evaporating any demon it touched. The Minotaur jumped up and began spinning around with his swords, taking down some of the airborne troops. Elliot's dragon flew past him, scooped up a demon in its mouth, tossed it up and chomped down as it came back down.
The Minotaur laughed. "I like your style." The dragon looked at him. The Minotaur frowned. "But do not go think you are better than me! Cuz you are not!" The dragon snarled and slithered away through the air. The Minotaur chuckled. "Yes, that is right."
"Focus!" The Demogorgon shouted as he passed the Minotaur.
"I am focused! Focused more than you are!" He rushed after him. A few dwarves sprouted out from the ground and slashed around with their weapons before diving back into the ground to avoid getting hit themselves. Pixies rained colorful energy down upon the battlefield, some engaging in hand to sword combat with glowing fists of various colors. Jack ran three demons through with his spear, allowing Tyrannus to chop each of their heads off in one fell swoop. Chunks of stone flew through the air as Krista moved her hands around. Quin took a deep breath and opened her hand. A celestial sword appeared in it.
"Woah, where'd that come from?" Keisha asked with a smile.
Quin smiled. "The spirits wish us luck." Krista smiled and continued to launch rocks through the air. Huey rode through the battlefield on a giant wave, tossing demons into the air for Iris to slice in half. Any Iris missed, Huey was able to finish off himself. Duros dashed around behind him, using his bladed tentacles to attack behind him and Zenothius to attack in front of him. He shot threads out of his outfit and wrapped them around the demons around him, throwing them into each other. Rin jumped past him and used her Exacalibur swords to slice through a demon Duros had missed. Duros nodded to her before jumping back into the fight. Rin jumped back as Grunt barreled by, shoulder checking anyone in his path with a mighty roar.
Rin chuckled. "Strange guy." She said, before going right back to fighting. Silver and Carson shot off bullets from their guns, reloading with bags on their horses. Any demon who was hit with Silver's bullets was quickly frozen solid.
          Aries ran through each of the frozen statues, shattering them. "Aw yeah! This is the fight I've been looking for!" He head butted the demon beside him, splitting the demon's head open. He laughed and raced back into the fray. A demon jumped up into the air and came down with its sword on Cancer, who simply stood there, looking around for Quin. The sword shattered on his thick chitin shell. Cancer looked down at the demon, who stared blankly at the giant crab man before him. Cancer bent down to look him in the eyes before smashing him into the ground with his massive claw. Virgo zoomed past him, planting a flying kick into the chest of a nearby demon. She sank into an attack pose before jumping around and doing various martial arts to take down any demon that surrounded her. Medusa slithered by and chomped on the demon in front of her. She met one's gaze and turned him to stone.
She laughed. "Haven't pulled that one in a while." Smoak appeared near her and threw an array of knives in front of him, killing the demons who stood there. He smiled and teleported away. Alexander held his hand up to the sky as Khan zoomed by on his shield above him. Khan noticed and commanded a lightning bolt to come down to his hand from the clouds above.
Alexander smiled and electrified his blade. "For Christopher!" He shouted, sending out a wave of electricity with each swing. Ethan fired spikes out of his palms, moving around in a circle before he was surrounded. He smiled and bent over, placing his head behind his arms. He took a deep breath and fired spikes in every direction at once, taking out the whole circle around him. He fired one last spike out of his back to take down the strangler behind him. Aro raced through the battlefield, determined to keep himself away from the Demon King, who was in hot pursuit. Kai and Lance landed between them, a grin on Kai's face.
"Remember us?" Lance asked.
The Demon King smiled. "I remember the looks on your faces as you faded away."
Kai's smile faded. "You'll remember us for more than that when we're through with you!" He shouted. Lance nodded and the two flew at him. The Demon King caught Lance's sword and swatted Kai away with his tail.
The Demon King smiled. "You know, I never got to tell you a little secret I know."
Lance smiled. "I'm all ears." He said, concentrating his red energy on his arms to keep him from being pushed away.
"The demon I sent to dismiss each of you failed with your friend over there." Kai jumped up behind him and was swatted away again. "Yes, him. The demon came back saying his hand phased through Kai's wrist." He smiled. Lance's brow began to raised as he lost his grip. "I didn't influence Kai to burn down that town." He grinned.
Lance clenched his teeth. "Liar!" He shouted.
The Demon King laughed. "I may want to destroy you, but I am no liar. It's true. Doesn't it make sense?" Kai swung his sword at the Demon King, this time catching his tail with the sword, pushing back against it.
Lance looked at him. "Say it isn't true!" He shouted.
Kai looked back at him. "What now?!" He shouted.
"You destroyed that town on purpose!"
Kai stepped back and dropped the Demon King's tail. "No, wait!" Lance shouted in rage and dashed at him, engaging in a duel. "It's not how it sounds! Just wait!" The Demon King sat back and watched them fight.
Suddenly, Lance smiled. "Now!" He shouted. The two pointed their swords at the Demon King and fired a beam of fire and red energy. The Demon King gasped as he was knocked back into the crowd of demons behind him. Lance looked over at Kai. "Glad you told me that first."
Kai chuckled. "Me too." The two jumped back into the fight side by side.
The Demon King looked up at them. "But, he killed the love of your life!"
Lance smiled. "And he gave his life to get her back, too. I'd say we're even!" Kai nodded. The two blasted him again before parting ways to fight the army surrounding them. Lance sliced through demons left and right with his wings while engaging in combat with another with his sword. Suddenly, the head of the demon he was fighting fell off, revealing Destiny behind him with her arm blades drawn. Blake floated beside her with his arms crossed. Lance grabbed the stone Kai had given him from his belt and flipped it to Blake, who caught it.
"What do I do with this?" He asked.
Lance shrugged. "I dunno, make a weapon or something. I don't need it." Blake smiled and nodded, pocketing the stone and jumping back into the fight alongside his parents.

The Dragon's Bounty IV:NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now