Chapter 15

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Aro and Andrew stared the Demon King down, their eyes narrowed. Phoenikus glowed with blue fire, the translucent wings protruding from Aro's back. Andrew clutched his axe, ready as he could be. The Demon King smiled and raced toward them. Aro took off into the sky, Andrew holding the Demon King back with his axe.
"You will fall!" The Demon King shouted.
"Not today." Andrew said. Aro slammed into the Demon King's back with the spirit sword, but it was not able to pierce his hide. The Demon King looked back at him with a grin and swatted him away with his tail. Suddenly, a bright purple laser beam pushed the Demon King off of Andrew, allowing him to step back. Cyfrin pushed at the Demon King with his prism that fired the laser, Uel on his tail, both his knives drawn. Uel rushed forward and engaged the Demon King in blade combat, holding his own against the demon's giant sword.
"Where is everyone else?" Aro asked, landing beside Cyfrin, who continued to fire his energy beam.
"They are distracting the legions of demons the King commands. It should buy us enough time to defeat him."
Aro looked at him. "And if it doesn't?"
Cyfrin frowned. "Then we lose." He said.
Aro nodded and spun his staff around. "Got it. Don't lose." He dashed forward, helping Uel with the sword fight with Phoenikus. Andrew jumped up behind the Demon King and brought his axe down upon his back, leaving a small scuff in the scales of the great demon. The Demon King grabbed Aro and hurled him at Cyfrin, who didn't have time to get out of the way. The Demon King grabbed the blade of Andrew's axe and pushed him back, while continuing to fight Uel with his sword.
"Pathetic!" The Demon King shouted, casting Andrew aside. He turned and used all his might to push against Uel, who had his knives in an X formation to hold the large sword back. His knives shattered, the sword entering his head, splitting his helmet in two. The green energy inside his head glowed brightly, the Demon King stepping back.
            Uel summoned his knives back and looked the Demon King in the eye with his empty skull. "You messed with the wrong spirit!" He shouted, launching forward. Cyfrin fired another beam of energy at the Demon King's back, launching him toward Uel, who jumped up and kicked him in the chest with both feet. The Demon King grabbed Uel's leg and slammed him into the ground. Aro flew down with top speed at the Demon King, Phoenikus pointed out in front of him. The sword met the Demon King's scales. An explosion of blue energy threw Aro backward. He crashed into the ground beside Andrew, who was just now getting up. The Demon King hurled his sword at Cyfrin, who quickly did a few hand motions to summon a wall of energy that the sword became lodged in. Cyfrin spun his hands around, turning the wall around with it, throwing the sword back at the Demon King, who caught it and jumped at him.

Rin sliced through the Demon King's army, the two halves of Excalibur dimly glowing now. A demon jumped at her, but was taken out by a large gorilla, who turned back toward her and smiled.
"Thanks, Grunt!" Rin shouted before rolling aside. Grunt pounded his chest and let out a roar, quickly going back to clobbering the demons in front of him. Smoak appeared above him, casting knives down around them, killing a few demons in a circular formation. A woman in a billowy orange dancer's outfit with half of a scale on each of her wrists and glowing yellow eyes stomped her foot, all of the demons around her lifting into the sky. The star sign for Libra was displayed on her outfit's chest, and as a hair clip on the back of her head. A crimson blur sliced through each of the floating demons: a man with four insect like legs, two pinchers, and a scorpion tail, the star sign for Scorpio on his forehead and his eyes glowing blue. A demon raised its sword to Quin, but was thrown away by Cancer, who looked down at Quin and smiled at her with his eyes. Quin smiled at him and nodded. Krista pointed her hands at the ground, chunks of rock floating up around her. She made fists, the rocks splitting into smaller rocks, which then began shooting around the battlefield, straight through the skulls of the demons surrounding her. Samuel shot through the sky, firing his black energy around.
"Where's Jack?!" Rin shouted at him. Samuel shrugged as he passed by her. Nickolas burst forth from the ground, swinging his pickaxe around with a mighty battle cry. Blue fire spread around the legion of demons as a high pitched roar echoed behind it. Steven surged forward, using his sharp wings and tail to slice through anyone in his path. An army of small, round headed black gremlins, half wearing yellow cloaks, half wearing red cloaks, ran through and tripped any demons in front of them with high pitched, echoey battle cries. The star sign for Gemini was glowing a soft yellow on each of their faces. Alexander absorbed some dark energy from nearby demons and sent it back out in a wave with a smile. Ethan jumped up over him and sent out a flurry of spikes from his fists. Aries charged through the army of demons with a shout and a smile on his face, slamming his powerful fists into any around him. Taurus, in his large form, stomped around the landscape, careful not to step on any of his allies. Quin began to take deep breaths as she constantly switched zodiacs.
Leo caught her as she began to topple over. "Take it easy. We've got this." He looked up to find that Virgo and Aquarius, a Triton with a merfolk tail, glowing yellow eyes and a ceramic vase with her star sign on it stood before him. Leo smiled. "This'll work." He said. "Virgo, watch Quin. Aquarius, you're with me." Virgo placed her hands together and bowed toward Leo, dashing over and placing her arm around Quin's back. Aquarius smiled, shooting water from her vase as Leo slashed through demons below her. Grunt flew through the air above them, slamming the two demons he had in his hands into the ground with a roar. Suddenly, he was covered by a horde of demons, unable to get up.
Rin stepped back as she was surrounded by hundreds of demons at once. "There are too many of them!" She shouted. Virgo was doing her best to ward off the demons, but she started slowing down as her magic level from Quin was quickly dropping. Aquarius and Leo looked at one another. Leo smiled. Aquarius nodded. The two looked at Virgo.
"Good luck." Leo said. Virgo nodded sternly as Leo and Aquarius disappeared. Virgo's energy was restored, allowing her to move fast enough to keep the demons off of Quin, but not to take them down. Samuel had ropes thrown across him as he flew around, pulling him to the ground.
            He looked up into the sky. "Jack, wherever you are, be safe." Smoak appeared in a large crowd with a gasp. But before he could teleport away, they all began grabbing his arms and legs and lifting him up.
Nickolas was snagged out of the air. "Let me go, you brute!" He shouted. Alexander and Ethan stood back to back.
"I guess it's real this time." Ethan said, breathing heavily.
Alexander nodded. "It was an honor to fight by your side."
Ethan smiled. "Sure was." Alexander hardly held his sword up, completely drained. But right as they were about to give up, all the demons around them disappeared. Ethan and Alexander looked at one another with confused expressions. Grunt got up and looked around, meeting Rin's gaze. Virgo breathed heavily as she stood over Quin, who was now starting to wake up. Smoak was dropped to the ground, Krista standing right beside him.
"What happened?" She asked.
Smoak sat up and shrugged. "I dunno. But it doesn't look good." He pointed off into the distance, where a dark beam of energy surged through the sky.

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