Chapter 1 - Who is he?

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Y/N had been working as a forest ranger for about a few months now. They never bothered to explore besides walking around the forest most of the time, that's where most of their work would usually be anyway. Until, they had a few days off and decided to explore other parts of Sumeru they've never been to before.

"Hey Collei," You smiled gently at her.

"Hey Y/n! Oh are you going somewhere?" Collei noticed the bag resting on your shoulder.

"That's what I wanted to tell you about actually. Could you please tell Tighnari I'm going to be exploring Sumeru for a few days? I'll be back soon, don't worry."

"Just be safe alright? I'll make sure to tell him! Bye"

You started following a trail just to be safe of course, and after a few hours of wandering around you were feeling a bit tired. You needed to find a place to rest without the worry of being attacked by enemies. Soon after endlessly trying to find a place to stop you started to lose hope. Deciding to just sit down on a log, but it was already getting dark. Anxiety filled your mind, was going out to explore a bad idea? You didn't have a watch, but you knew at this time you'd be back home. At least you brought food, I mean sleeping outdoors? How bad could that be? You thought to yourself.

You didn't think the nights would be so cold though, that's one thing you didn't think thoroughly. As things possibly couldn't get any worse, they did.

'Oh shit' a ruin guard had spotted you, you quickly took out your weapon just knowing that there was already a grave ready for you. You were far too tired to fight anymore. You closed your eyes, getting in a ready stance hoping not to get hurt, when suddenly you heard the ruin guard breaking down and collapsing to the ground.

You shot open your eyes, as it fell to the ground it revealed an attractive young man with grey hair.

"You should be more careful next time, what are you doing out here anyway?" He questioned as you stood there astounded.

"I was actually trying to find somewhere to stay but It seems like I got lost." Your eyes wandered around the area.

He sighed at first, "I'm not going to let you die out here I suppose, so just follow me." You nodded your head and walked right beside him. You took a few glances at him here and there, thinking he didn't notice. Only if you knew he was well aware of it. Finally, the both of you arrived at Port Ormos, it was empty of course it had already gotten fairly late.

"So where am I going to stay?"

"At the Inn, why else would I bring you here?"

You quickly checked your pockets and realized you didn't bring any Mora, "I don't have any mora..." You said with a shameful expression.

"Here just take this, I'll be on my way now." He gave you a bag of mora and started walking away.

"Thank you," then you got yourself a room, you lied to the bed wondering what could've happened if he didn't save you. You never even got his name.

You woke up early surprisingly, you gathered all of your things and went outside. There was someone there you didn't quite expect to see.

"Oh what are you doing here?" You questioned.

"Waiting for someone." He responded.

"Who?" You asked as if you'd know who he would be talking about.

"You, of course. I wouldn't want you to get lost again."

"You really don't have to, I'm sure you have better things to do." You worried about wasting his time, even if he did offer to help.

"No, I actually don't. At least not today, normally I would be very busy."

"As long as I'm not bothering you then alright." You agreed with him and soon both of you went exploring.

Running into a few enemies, but not only was he strong, he was smart as well. You both sat down on the grass in need of a beak.

"You know I never got your name," You said to him, making eye contact.

"It's Alhaitham, you?"

"Y/N," You smiled at him, you wanted to know more about him but it was odd you felt this way.

"Your name is beautiful- I'm sorry if that seems too straight forward" He apologizes.

"No no it's okay, thank you." You give him a soft smile and a reassuring look.

"What part of Sumeru are you normally around? Since you got lost, I assume you haven't been here for a while."

"I'm usually around the Avidya forest, I work there as a forest ranger."

"I see," He thought for a moment, "I work for the Akademiya." He continued.

You remembered the time Tighnari brought up the Akademiya and sat there in thought. You never had a real opinion on them, he is actually the first person from the Akademiya you've met before.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned after a good minute of you thinking to yourself.

"It's really nothing, don't worry."

"Alright then, shall we continue?" You nodded, he helped you up and you continued walking around Sumeru.

It started to get dark, and you knew Collei and Tighnari would worry about you, but you wanted to spend more time with Alhaitham, even if you didn't want to admit that to him

"I think you should be going back now, I can walk you there if you'd like? Unless you know the way." He smiles faintly at you.

"Unfortunately I do need to go back, and that would be great thank you again." You smile back at him.

" 'Unfortunately'? It seems like you're enjoying your time with me, hm?" He smirks at you. When did he get so bold? You questioned, but you kind of liked it. You laughed it off with him and finally, after a few forty minutes you both made it to Gandharva Ville.

"Y/N! We were so worried about you, oh who's this?" Collei asked after hugging you.

"Oh this is Alhaitham, I met him a day ago," You responded.

"Alhaitham..?" Tighnari mumbled to himself, "Y/n can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Yeah for sure," Tighnari took you somewhere far enough so they wouldn't hear.

"You better be careful around him, most people don't really find his actions justifiable." He said to you, making direct eye contact.

"What? He's been nothing but nice to me, I don't know what you're talking about." You responded with a bit of annoyance in your tone of voice.

"I'm trying to look out for you, I want you to be safe." He responds, his voice still calm.

You sigh, "But-"

"You won't see him anymore anyway, you just encountered him on your journey of course." He then walked away not saying another word to you. You honestly didn't understand what he meant, maybe it's because he works with the Akademiya?

It was all too confusing.

A/N: I don't know if anyone will actually read this, but i'll keep making more parts as soon as I can <3

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