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                                  SHAKE IT OFF BY TAYLOR SWIFT PLAYED THROUGH THE RADIO OF THE CAR, the family of four singing along loudly, the twins the only ones being on tune with it. Derrick Sanders, the father was driving, his hands drumming against the black-leather steering wheel of the family Jeep, bobbing his head along to the music as he sang along. Sarah Sanders, the mother of the twins was laughing, shaking her head at her husband who shouted out the lyrics with his daughter.

In the backseat, behind the passenger and driver seat, with their belts wrapped around them were Violet and Sophie Sanders, their sixteen-year-old twin daughters, singing the loudest of them all. Violet smiled at her family. This moment will be one she'll remember forever, not because of the fun they were having as they drove through Upstate New York. But because of what was about to happen; the tragedy of The Sanders family...

Shake it off finished and the radio went straight to its next song. Complicated by Avril Lavigne began playing. This was a song that Violet had labelled as one of her all time favorite songs. She let's out a gasp at the radio "Dad, turn up the volume!" She exclaimed, making her father smile and turn the dial of the radio. "I love this song. Chill out, what ya yellin' for? Lay back, it's all been done before" Violet sang, her sister laughing and shaking her head at her.

Sophie's phone beeped, making her look down at the device that layed in her lap. Humming to herself, she picked it up, seeing that the text message icon was displayed on her screen, reading '1 new unread message from Amanda'. Sophie opened it. "Dad, how much longer? Amanda is losing her mind because I'm not there" She spoke absentmindedly as she texted her best friend back, assuring her that she was going to be there on time, even though the New York traffic was holding them back from getting to her Debate Competition that was just on the outskirts of the city.

"Don't worry, we'll make it on time" Her dad reassured her, turning down the radio a little, craning his neck to get a better view of the traffic. "Tell Amanda to calm down and that you'll be there---perfectly on time"

Sophie did just that, promising repeatedly that her parents weren't going to let her be late for something so important. After all, Debate was everything to her. She was the top Debate student in her school, she wouldn't let them make her miss a single competition, nor having the opportunity to win yet another trophy to display in her bedroom.

"You try telling Amanda to calm down after she's had five cups of coffee" Sophie scoffs, making Violet laugh slightly. "What's so important that you have to stop by Mark's house anyway?" The brunette asked impatiently, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

The twins parents exchanged looks that didn't go unnoticed by the twins. They often did that quite a lot, when they didn't want to answer questions their daughters asked. They either avoided the question by changing the subject or lied straight through their teeth.

Derrick and Diane Sanders couldn't exactly tell there daughters that their father used to be apart of a group that "protected" magical keys...

"Just some paperwork I need him to fill out. It's important, sweetheart and it's on the clock" Sophie wasn't exactly satisfied with her father's half-assed answer but she was more than used to it. She looks at her sister who shrugged at her, knowing they weren't going to get more than that.

Violet sighed and looked down at her hands. She hated when her parents kept things from them. That's why she enjoyed the short moments of them carpooling. They were special — because they were a real family in that moment.

She loved her parents, no doubt, but they were always either busy with their jobs or something else that was clearly not their family. But no matter how busy they were, the minute one of their daughters needed them, they'd drop everything in a heartbeat just to be there. That's what she loved about her parents.

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