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This was first claimed by T_Tinacoolway  so, enjoy darling.

I'm actually really proud of this prologue and the whole plot I came up with. So, I really hope you like this.

Not so proud of the cover though, might change it if I come up with something better.
Okay, love you all my Magnets. I'm super excited about this new story. :))))

Mag 🦋


[Louis' POV]

The last thirteen years of my life had been going on between singles, albums, appearances, interviews, shows, arena tours, stadium tours, cover of magazines and jet lagged plane rides around the world.

I was now a celebrity, you could say.

I was recognized in the streets by strangers, I was invited to more parties that I could ever have the time to attend, I was forcing relationships out of convenience, I was nominated for stupid awards that the whole industry knows are arranged only for money and not exactly for talent; I was, to sum up, in the spotlight. Always.

Back then with the band, and now as a solo artist.
Once you get into it, you never, ever, get the chance to step out of it.
Always in the spotlight. Always waiting to be judged, to be interrogated, to be photographed.

And maybe I was starting to get sick of it all.

I didn't regret it though. I could never.

One Direction gave me all I've ever wanted, a chance to make out of my life the thing I loved the most, singing.

Even with the downsides, those were some of the best and wildest experiences of my life. The adrenaline of being on stage in front of thousands, feeling the master of the world when I heard them scream for me.
Those are the kind of moments I would never forget or replace with anything else.
Those are the moments that made me keep going for so long, non-stop.

But the truth is, after the band, after we all went separate ways, after I started taking some more time for myself; I started appreciating the little things more.
Like sleeping. Oh God, how I missed sleeping.

I started valuing the days off, staying at home and just chill, spending time with my family, not being screamed at by fans every single day.
It was nice. Being alone, having time and feeling normal again.

I was tired of all the hectic life. I was tired of the spotlight.
Even if my solo career was also good, successful, and I was grateful for that; I was also lonelier, sadder, most of the time, and I really wanted to start resting, for real.

I wanted to take some time to find out who I really was and not who I was told or expected to be in front of cameras and thousands of fans.

I wanted to go back and find my essence. Find again those real friends I had at the beginning of my career and not these forced friendships out of interest. I wanted to find a trail back home, to the people that love me for who I really am, if there's anyone left.

At first, I tried going back to my roots. I got a nice house in Doncaster, felt close to my people, invited my sisters over every weekend, and got to spend quality time with them.
But they all had their separate lives now, jobs, boyfriends, their own homes away from home.
And maybe I just wasn't their first choice as I once was.

So, then I tried contacting old friends, those people that supported me even before the band. The people that I grew up with, side by side.

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