The Snap

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"No One's POV*

"I'm just going to say this now, but I'm sorry in advance."

Tony narrowed his eyes in suspicion. 

"What do you mean?" Wanda asked.

"Just watch."

The video starts in Wakanda, where you can see M'Baku and the Jabari kill several Outriders and chant. At the same time, Thor casually slaughtered Outriders with his lightning before flying into a dropship, destroying it as he emerged from its top and then flew into another one.

"Nice Point Break." Tony complimented.

"Thank you Man of Iron!"

Wanda flew to Vision and helped him up when his Mind Stone flared, and he grunted in pain. She asked about it, and he replied, fear lacing his voice, "He's here."

"Who's here?" Peter piped up.

Steve looked around before sensing something.

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming."  He said.

Natasha looked around. "What the hell?" She muttered.

Everyone's eyes darted back and forth. Then Bruce turned around as a portal opened and out marched Thanos.

"Oh my god, it's a purple grape." Sam immediately said. The teens cracked up.

"THANOS!" Drax shouted. "He will pay for the deaths of my wife and daughter!"

"Cap. That's him." Bruce told Steve.

Steve brought his shield up, "Eyes up. Stay sharp." Thanos stalked forwards menacingly.

Bruce, in the hulkbuster suit, leapt at Thanos, but the titian used the Space Stone to make him intangible, and Bruce passed through him and went into solid stone where Thanos turned himself tangible again, and he was lodged inside it.

Jaws dropped in surprise. Loki just hummed, for he knew what the Space Stone was capable of.

Steve charged at Thanos but was thrown away by the energy from the Power Stone. T'Challa leapt at him, but Thanos grabbed him by the throat and punched him hard. As he fell, his suit discharged all the kinetic energy within in a powerful burst, but rendered useless. Sam flew at Thanos and fired, but was knocked down by the Space Stone's energy.

Bucky grabbed Sam's hand out of fear. Sam looked down at the joining and blushed.

"Wanda, it's time." Vision said.

"No," Wanda immediately denied.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can." Vision told her.

Wanda's heart dropped.

"Look at me." Vision said.

Her lips were quivering as he continued, "You have the power to destroy the Stone."

Wanda's heart dropped even further. Her eyes started to tear up.

"Don't." She begged.

"You must do it. Wanda, please." He urged. "We're out of time."

"I can't." She croaked.

"Yes, you can. You can." Vision said, "If he gets the Stone, half of the universe dies. It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is."

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