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after the meeting had finished, he dismissed the pure bloods. i was walking out the hall before i was summoned back by tom.

he was standing next to a group of people, whos head were held high.

"Eden, these are your friends parent" he gestured to them.

"hi, im credessa malfoy, and this is abraxas" the blonde women bowed, her head along with her husband. they were lucius parents. the next people to speak were two brunettes.

"hello my lady, im redious dolohov and this is my darling wife, malena" he bowed, using the same title that cygnus used. i smiled and turned to the next couple.

"we are magdelian and brenna avery" the same sex couple bowed.

"its lovely to meet you all, if you wouldnt mind id liked to have a moment with my soon to be husband" i dismissed the families and turned to tom.

"yes" he said putting his hand on my waist, we apparated to his office and we sat on his chair. me on his lap.

"nothing, i just didnt like all those desperate women ogling at you" i smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggle in. he got started on his work and i just listened to his heart beat.

i began to hum a song, the song was the song we danced to last night. i started to remember the kiss, his lips on mine. how it heated between my legs.

i had to snap out of my thoughts when i felt toms hand slither up my thigh, raising my dress and landed to my flat stomach. i face became the reddest it has ever been, tom chuckled as he saw he gasp.

"soon you'll be round with my baby, hmm" he hummed in my hear, nipping it with his teeth.

"please" i moaned breathlessly, turning. he starts kissing down my neck biting and sucking. leaving small swells in his path.

he started to slip off my straps to the dress. kissing down my shoulders, he moved my legs to they were straddling his waist his hands now pressing me down against his length. i could feel him hardening beneath me.

moving his hands from my hips to the hem of my dress, lifting it up to see my lacey black panties pressed against the growth of his trouser.

he groaned, pulling my dress over my head and eyes widening as he watch my firm breast jiggle. his hands went to them as he began kissing between them. i mewled at him as my hands attacked the head of hair.

he lifted me up and moved us to the long couch sat in front of the fire, my nearly bare body under his.

his lips still attacking my boobs. i started to trail my hands down clothed chest, i started the undo the buttons keeping me forms feeling him.

he pulled away and looked at my marked body, spit glistening on my breast. he smirked and his eyes darken, quickly undoing his top buttons but decided it was too slow so just took his shirt off my lifting it over his head.

i run my hands down toned stomach, groaning. my hand meets his belt, i look into his eyes, seeing them simmer with intent. i stare into his eyes at i undo the belt, chucking off to the side.

"egear are we?" he teased, i nodded my head biting my lip. he brings his thumb up to my mouth and pulling it from my teeth.

he unzips his pants and takes them off, chucking them on the pile of clothes on the floor.

we were now just in our underwear. he unshealth himself and i moan at the sight.

he was nearly 10 inches and thick, he then slid my panties down my legs painfully slow. i whimpered at the pace, he only returned my protests with a chuckle.

once my panties joined the pile on the floor the dark lord lowered himself to my heat, our eyes still connected. he licked a long and slow stripe up my cunt, making my stomach do backflips. when he got the top he started kitty licking my clit. i moan so loud he laughed into me, making my whole body vibrate. he repeats the actions making a coil in my tummy form. im moaning like a whore.

when i feel like im close he pulls away, i sigh at the lose of contact and give him a look.

he sits up and holds the base of his cock, lining it up to my whole, but before he proceeds he asks "have you been with anyone?" i stop and prop myself on my elbows. "no, never" i say breathlessly it came out more as a moan then an answer.

his lip perked up and groans "good girl" he then proceeds to push into me "this will hurt baby but itll get better" i nod mindlessly to his words, focusing on not wailing in pain.

hes slow at first, letting me get used to his abuse on my fresh pussy. the pain subside and i gave him a nod, he starts to move, my heat gripping him tight.

hes starts moving faster, his arms grab my thighs and pulls me closer, my legs resting on his, wrapping around and locking him in.

i moan loudly as he pounds into my pussy. his grunts mixed with my moans sounded so porographic. but it was music to my ears. sweat was forming on his brows, his thrusts were getting sloppy. and my core was tightening around him as i was getting close.

"come for me baby" he grunts out, telling me to release had to be one of the sexiest things ever.

i let my coil snap and my fluids flushed around his big cock, i see him release as well. we were both breathing heavily.

tom collapsed onto me, his arms holding him up just enough to savor a kiss.


waking up in toms arms was wonderful, our legs tangled as i rested my head on his chest, his arms guarding my hips. his small breaths fanned my forehead.

he was still asleep, i laid there for an hour. watching the embers of the fire from last night crackle.

i decided i should get up and get back into hogwarts. when i tried to get up the arms around me tightened. "running off so soon?" his sleepy voice called. i looked down to see a now wake tom looking at me.

"i have classes in" i paused looking to the clock sitting on the wall. my eyes pinned open seeing the time "3 minutes" i whispered yelled.

"ill call and tell them that your excused for wedding planning" tom said, sitting up still holding me. i shrugged, its not like ill be missing anything i haven't already learnt.

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