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what tom had said was true, i did do some wedding planning today, with druella, who had invited over. i knew she was different from the rest of her black family, i found out she wasnt blood like the rest of them, she was druella rosier before marriage.

we were sitting at the meeting table in the dinning room, with millions of books splayed out, moving pictures of flowers and venues all scattered around the pages.

i had decided on the spot we were getting married, which was in the garden a few feet in front of the house, now i was just picking the flowers for the centre peices. it was between black roses and black petunias.

"how bout we figure out the colour scheme first before everything?" druella suggested, noticing my struggle.

i nodded and started thinking out loud "i was thinking of green and black, with some silver accents" i could see her smile spread "yes, it fits your skin tone also" she commented.

we then went back to the flowers, i was getting annoyed at the choice. i heard the door open and my fiance stroll in. eating a pumpkin pasty, he stood behind my chair and looked over the books an pictures.

he leant down and gave me a bite of the food he was holding. he noticed druella bowing her head "you may rise druella" and she did. "i need help my lord" i said pulling the two picture of flowers up and showing him, he pointed to the black roses "these ones" he said decisively, i looked up and he smiled "its the same flowers that were their when we saw the vision remember" he told me, i just grinned tenderly.

he then walked off but not before peppering my cheek with kiss.

"you two are so cute" druella gossiped, i laughed.

"thank you" i looked down at the roses and touched the picture.

"hey um druella" i said nervously, looking into her eyes" she smiled and responded with "yes sweetie" she sounded so motherly. "i was hoping that um, you would be the one who walked me down the isle?" i put the idea out there, she gasped and i was so anxious, hoping she wouldnt get offended "yes sweetheart, nothing would make me happier" she clutched my hands and hugged me.

"thank you for even considering me" she said teary eyes, a few weeks ago when we went to the black manor, i used legilimens on each elder and i saw their intentions all the same except druella, she had a kind heart one that dimmed due to her forced marriage. she was as true and genuine, who hated seeing her nephew getting hurt, but wasnt allowed to speak up about it.

"do you know who you want to ask to be your bridesmaids" she asked after we pulled away from our firm hug. i bobbed my head and spoke "yes, im going to ask bellatrix and narcissa, and alica Parkinson. we've gotten closer in these past few days, shes even dating avery" i gushed.

"oh the girls are going to love that, should i set up an appointment for a brides maid dress fitting, and maybe a wedding dress appointment?" she asked, and i nodded again. i had a feeling druella was going to help me a lot during this planning.

"hows two weeks from today?" she decides and i smile and confirm. that's only a week before my birthday. tom did say we would get married after my birthday.

"dorky?" i yelled in the hall, a small house elf had come sprinting. "yes master Eden" it scurried, "will you please find the dark lord and ask him to come here?" i said and it nodded, running to fulfill my request.

a few moments later tom walks in and pull out a seat, "yes my dear" he asked looking at me "i was thinking we should set a date" i told him "how bout a week from my birthday" i declare.

"yes the sound good, anything else you need?" he said remarked, i thought for a second "druella is setting up my dress fittings as we speak, should we make one for you're suit?" i wondered. "that would be grand my love" i nodded and he left.

"great, everything's falling into place" i say, slouching in my chair and rested my head on the back, sighing in happiness.

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