The New Beginning

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Hi my name is Jade. I am not a normal girl. If you taake out the part that I can turn into animals and I don't have a home or a mom and dad, I'm would be normal. So this is what's up. Earth is under an invasion by Yeerks. Definition Yeerks: a parasite slug-like thing that crawls through your ear and takes over your brain. Like the explanation? Hahaha! You might be saying This has to be a joke. But it's not. I wish it was though. Well right now we're in Cassie's barn. Cool huh? A barn where you can get free DNA. Hahaha!

"So I have to morph lion to kill a Taxxon?" I asked with a curious voice. Ax-Man said " Unless you wish to be eaten by a Taxon." Tobias came down and perched on Rachel's shoulder and watched her do her homework. I peeked over her shoulder and said " Rachel.... X+Y I believe equals I have no idea what in the world that is." Rachel laughed and said " You are funny like Marco but you are not annoying and he is." Marco said " I'm handsome and she isn't." Rachel responded before I said anything " No she is as beautiful as me." Cassie " You only look at her physical. But her heart is beautiful." I just smiled and asked "Where's Jake?" Rachel said " He is busy. He left you in charge." Marco yelled "What!" Ax said calmly " Will you now be Princess Jade?" I responded " No way! I'm just Jade! Cassie is Princess! " Marco laughed and said with a teasing voice " She sure is." I yelled at him defensively " Careful how you talk you never know when I might sneak into your room and kill you." Rachel commented " I'll say 'I have no idea who could have killed Marco.' " Marco made me a face and said " At least I have a home and parents." I jumped onto him and started choking him. Rachel grabbed my arm and looked ino my eyes. Rachel yelled at Marco " That passed the line! What's wrong with you?! Do you want to get killed!?" Cassie said to me " Calm down. Calm down. You have to calm down." I did what she told me to. It was always good to have Cassie with us. I said to Marco " Ten ojos end LA espalda." Later that night I was at Rachel's. Rachel said " You can sleep on my bed." I said " No thanks I'm ok. I'll just sleep on the floor." She looked at me worried. She said " Are you okay?" I swear a tear went down my cheek. She came close to me and hugged me. I cried and cried. I told her " I wish I had my family back! I don't have anything now. Nothing. I am no one. I want a family. I want a mom and dad. Or just a mom. Or just a dad. I don't care I want to have a parent." Then Rachel said " We are your family. We are your.. Well not your parents but your brothers and sisters." I smiled. She smiled back. To say the truth I didn't know Rachel had a emotional side. But I liked her emotional side its nice. Tobias came a few seconds later. He asked Rachel < Why is Jade crying?> Rachel said " It's nothing." The next day everyone went to school. Except me, Ax, and Tobias. (Ax the Andalite and Tobias the red-tailed hawk) I hung out with Tobias for a bit. Both of us flew on thermals. Then I said in thought-speech Tobias said I left and headed into the forest. I demorphed near a clearing. I was in a T-shirt and bike shorts. Then there I saw it. A 20×20×20 feet cabin. Well small house. To me it was small . It was nothing compared to the mansion I used to live in. I opened the door. I smiled. I thought I have done a good job building this place. I bet Rachel will be proud of me building this house for myself. I looked around. I looked at a table. I went up to the stairs. I ran up the stairs into my new bedroom. I looked at the bed. I looked around. At my new desk. My computer. (I bought it.) I was so proud of myself! Then I heard foot steps come into my house. I stood frozen. Then a voice said " Jade? Are you in here?" Then another voice said " Jade! Hello? What is this place?" Then the first voice " I don't know Tobias." Tobias said "It looked nice. Don't you think Rachel?" The first voice,Rachel said "Yeah its very nice." I ran down the stairs. Then I saw Tobias in human morph. And Rachel like always looked like she came from a Magazine. I said " Hi, Rachel. Hi Tobias." Rachel asked " What is this place?" I said " It's new house." Rachel smiled. Tobias just stared. I heard other voices outside. I said " Who's that outside?" Tobias said " The rest of us." I sighed. Then Jake, Cassie, Marco, and Ax came in. Ax in his human morph. I said " This is my house." Marco said " Cool" I smiled. And said "Uhm this is just the first level. They all looked at me. I said " come o follow me." I went to my new bedroom. In my closet there was an elevator. I said " All aboard! " They all entered. Then down down we went. No one said a word. The we stopped and I said "Welcome to the AKY or the Andalite Kill Yeerk." Marco said " We are not Andalites we are humans well Ax isn't human ." I said " Be quite. You want the tour yes or no?" Everyone agreed to take the tour. "This is the place where I make sure the YYeerks aren't up to invading powerful humans." Everyone stared at me. Rachel asked "Who said that?" I said "Meet Robot 44. He is my helper. Not my slave though. He has his own will. I made him with the ....power to transform into any animal. Like us. But he doesn't need DNA." Ax said "Woah. Wo-uw." I smiled. I tried to look as if I was innocent. I said " Me and 44 have created a whole army. No other robot but 44 has free will. We have a total of 30 other robots not counting 44." Everyone's mouth hung open. Another robot came. "125 reporting to duty." Robot 125 said. 44 said " Jade? I have made another one like me . He has free will. But is determined to fight besides us until he dies." I said "Very well." Rachel said " Uhm Jade?" I said " You can have one if that's what you're asking." She smiled. I said "421 please come." A good-looking guy came. He was a few inches taller than Rachel and very strong. I said " Rachel this is 421." 421 said " Nice to meet you Rachel." Rachel said " Uhm.... Jade? How do you control this guy?" I said " He's different. He has free will. Interest in video games and sports and in girls. But as handsome as he looks he can be a fierce fighter." I smiled. Then Jake said " Me,Marco and Ax have something to do." The boys left. Expect Tobias. Tobias stared at 421. 125 and 44 stood besides me. 421 stared at Tobias. I said " Don't worry Tobias he won't take Rachel's love away from you." Tobias said " I'm keeping an eye on him." I smiled. Then the Yeerk alarm went on. Me, 44, 421 and 125 and Rachel and Cassie ran to the computer. I said " What's going on Bot? " Bot said "Yeerk activity the Yeerk are going to invade Rachel's mom." Rachel froze. I said "125! Get the rest of the bots! And get all weapons." 125 ran to get all the bots. 421 said to Rachel "I'm sorry but I am not interested in you." Tobias sighed with relief. Rachel said " I don't care."
I knew we had to save her parents. She helped me almost always. I owe her. And now I'll save her parents. I said 44 and 125 come with me. Rachel said "Where are you going?" I responded " To save parents." Rachel said "I'm going with you." 44 said " We are ready." 125 said " Im also ready." I asked Cassie "Cassie? Are you coming?" She said " Yes." I looked at Tobias. He nodded. He demorphed. Then Ax came back. Ax said "I am now here Marco and Jake are very very busy." I said "Ax Andalite form now." Rachel said " You sound like a leader." I smiled and said " I am a leader." We ran to the mall. (Ax in his human morph and Tobias in his human morph too.) 44 and 125 looked like normal guys. That's what they were made to look like.Both were good-looking so every girl looked at them pass by. I called 44 Austin and 125 Robert. We ran through the mall. Then we found what we were looking for: The restrooms. Me, Cassie, and Rachel ran into the girl's restrooms. Ax, 44\Austin, and 125\Robert ran into the guy's restroom. We each choose a stall. I called my hands and I started down an elevator. So did the rest. I then entered a stair casethen the rest came in besides me. I hissed "Battle morphs." We ran into an empty room. Then there we morphed. I morphed into a male lion. I fell to my hands. Fur started sprouting. Then my shot out. I had a lion snout. Then my golden-brown mane. My tail came out. Then I felt my ears crawl up my head. Then my senses. I was so strong. And fear? Ha! I wondered What is fear? Then I looked around me and saw 44 as a rhino. 125 as a tiger. Tobias as a red-tailed hawk. Ax as an Andalite. Rachel as a grizzly bear. And Cassie as a wolf. I said in thought-speech We charged down the stairs and into hell. I saw Rachel's parents. I said in thought-speech Rachel swung her huge paw at a Taxxon. Cassie jumped onto a Hork-Bajir and took him down. Ax whipped his tail at Hork-Bajirs. 125 pounced onto two Taxxons that went down hard. Tobias dove down and dug his talons into Hork-Bajirs. Me and 44 attacked the two Hork-Bajirs that were holding Rachel's parents. I told them in thought-speech They stared at me scared. Then they got on. I ran and said Rachel saw me and said I said We all came together. We started for the exit. Then Hork-Bajirs blocked the exit. We still charged. 44 was behind me. Everyone else in front of me. We knocked them down and up the stairs we went. But when we got out. We were in the forest. We ran over closer to where Rachel lived. We dropped her parents off there. I said in thought-speech to them They nodded. We left. We ran deeper into the forest. We demorphed at my house. Ax and Tobias left. Cassie went to use the restroom because she couldn't hold anymore. Me and Rachel looked at each other. I said " You are so went to hell with me even though I had an army of 30 morphing robots. And I could have taken the Yeerk down easy. You wanted to come because you wanted to be part of this fight you wanted to fight this battle.You decided to fight a dangerous battle. But either way you fought besides me." Rachel said " Thank you for saving my parents from being infested. Thank you. Thank you a million times."I smiled. She called her parents and told them she was staying at my house. I gave her my bed and I slept on the floor. Rachel said before we went to sleep "Thank you once again for saving my parents. You are my best friend. Just below Cassie but you are there." I smiled and said "Sisters.....forever." And we both went to sleep.

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