The Dinner

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My father was not very happy to see Daemon, which was evident during the dinner I had arranged for them both. Something about how Daemon handled the City watch. Father thought they had been too brutal in their rampage, clearing the city of robbers, rapists, and other criminals. Father is a kind and gentle man and has a hard time understanding that sometimes there's a need for violence and war as a means of keeping his kingdom safe and strong. That's exactly why he needs someone he can trust, someone who knows the language of violence, someone like his brother.

I  sat on one short side and Father on the other, and Daemon had to settle for a seat on the long side. He had tolerated his placing, but I could see him working up what nearly reached a rage during dinner. Why did he have to be so proud and quick to take offense? It was obvious that he still was irritated from the conversation he had with my father earlier. We made it through a very quiet dinner. When we had finished eating, father needed to see his Maester for help with his strange wounds. I assume he wanted to avoid Daemon. I and Daemon were left alone, exactly as I hoped for.

Daemon appeared close behind me where I stood on the balcony looking out over the King's Landings rooftops. It was a beautiful evening and the sun was on its way down. He leaned over my shoulder with his mouth nuzzling my hair just above my ear, holding my shoulders with his steady hands. I nervously fingered the Valyrian steel necklace around my neck, the necklace he gave me earlier. My skin begged for him to touch me, to caress my neck and kiss it.

"Is that what you think I am, a common man best suited to the long side of the table?" Daemon said in Valyrian.
I heard the restrained anger in his voice, but also something that surprised me, disappointment. Was he disappointed with me? I chose to focus on his anger instead and let my own anger grow as I slowly turned around to face him. He's very tall so I was forced to look up at him and I hated that.

"And you expect to be treated with more respect than me, Princess of this house and daughter of the King himself? Who would you put on the long side, the King or his daughter?" The last words sounded more like a sizzling cat and Daemon backed up a bit, looking surprised by my mood. What did he think? That I was some wimpy, fragile princess who sat around embroidering in the evenings? I'm a dragon rider, just like him.

Suddenly Daemon was very close to me again, closer than he had ever been. "You have such a temper, I like it", he stated and I focused on the sensation of his body heat through my dress. My anger receded in favor of a completely different feeling. I felt strangely faint, my knees almost buckling, and my pulse racing.

One of his hands was around my waist and the other behind my neck. He pulled me even closer and I felt his hard, muscular body against mine. It was a good thing he was holding me steady or I would have melted through the floor. Our eyes met and all I wanted to say was "kiss me". Instead, it was Daemon who spoke:

"You're magnificent when you're angry", his lips were right next to mine, sort of hanging there, beckoning, teasing.
Then I spoke my inner thought, not on purpose or with a thought behind it, I just had to say it.
"Kiss me, Daemon."
That seemed to be the signal he had waited for.

His eyes widened and I glimpsed a fierce hungry look in them before he let his lips brush mine, his tongue caressing my bottom lip and then his mouth tasting both of my lips. The grip around my body became firmer and my long hair was tangled through his fingers, he gripped loops of hair as if to hold me in place. I kissed him back, meeting his exploring tongue with mine and feeling my whole body tremble. I wanted more from him and demonstrated this by pressing myself against him, then I felt his hardness and froze for a moment, his desire suddenly so concrete, so animalistic. That made me realize what I was about to do.

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