(Korn's adopted sister is nam. He love his sister so much.thats why he don't want,his sister to leave him when she got marry.so after his sister marriage he make them live with him and his family in the same house.)
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Their mansion
Rose get pregnant in second time with kinn. At the same time nam get pregnent with porche.
Kinn and porche are born in same day and same time. Now they are only one month. Still they don't meet each other even they stay in same house.
Today... These two babies naming ceremony in their house. So nam and rose put their babies in same cradle. And korn naming his sister son as porche. Otherside nam naming her nephew as kinn.
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Some time goes, suddenly they hear some blabbering sound from their sons. So they go near them and saw their babies are pushing each other like they can't stay in same bed.suddenly,
I think, they are don't like each other.nam said while take porche in her hand. Yeah i think too. Said rose while looking at her son. But her surprise kinn start to cry, when he can't find porche beside him. Otherside porche also start to cry.no one understand why their sons are crying. They try to console them but nothing change, they keep crying.
Mama put porche beside kinn . Khun said suddenly.who already watch everything in silence.
Khun baby don't you see, how they push eachother. Rose said to his son.
Nam put porche beside kinn. We can try.karn said to his wife. Because he worried at their sons. If they keep cry like this. Maybe make them hard to take breath. Nam who hear this immediately put porche beside kinn. All their surprise kinn and porche stop their cry. But start to push each other again. In this time nam and rose notice one thing. That is kinn and porche hold their hands while pushing with eachother by using other hand.
They can't understand these two. If they like each other or hate each other. Sometime goes kinn and porche start to sleep while porche holding kinn's hand. Otherside Kinn sucking porche's thumb finger.
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