In their house, .porche sit on the floor. Kinn lay in porche laps.while playing online game.
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But otherside, tankhun look at them annoyingly.
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When are you two going to marry. Tankhun ask suddenly. Otherside kinn and porche who hear this.
Today Tomarrow..
Kinn and porche said in unison. But suddenly, What tomarrow, we are going to marry today.. Kinn said to porche..
What today.. I can't. Porche said in shock.
Today our wedding that's final. Kinn said sternly. While running towards their room and took something. And come to give it to porche. Sign it kinn said while give a paper and pen.
What is it.. Porche ask in confusely.
This is our marriage paper. Mm come on sign it. Kinn said. Otherside porche immediately sign and give it to kinn. And ask. Where rings.
Otherside kinn take the rings box from his pocket and show to porche. Porche eyes got wide. Because he don't expect kinn bought rings for them.
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So, porche take the heart rate design ring and put kinn's finger. Otherside kinn take the other ring and put porche hand. After that he pull porche towards him and start to kiss.
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Otherside their parents come near at tankhun and smack his head while giving death glare to him.
I am just ask them. I don't expect,they will use this to... Before khun finish..
Bro shut up. I know very well. You did this because, you know they will do this. Kim said with smirk face. Tankhun who hear this give a cheepish smile, and immediately put a angry face and said.. Shut up..
Kinn, porche... Korn call his son and nephew with longing voice..Kinn and porche who hear korn voice leave each other lips and turn to korn.
You two don't speak with us for more than five years. I think this punnishment enough for us to understand your relationship. Please can you to forgive us. Your stupid parents. For think to separete you two.Korn said in tears. Otherside kinn and porche run to him and hug him. While said sorry.
Also they did the same to their other parents. Nam, karn, korn and rose are very happy. Because thir sons forgive them also they are happy for their sons marriage.
Otherside khun watch all this with tearfull eyes while calling his dr. Top