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Sixteen years old,

Kinn and porche sit on their own study table in their room while studying.suddenly something caught in kinn's eyes.so he silently go near porche and take out the rose paper between the book.and start to read. But his surprise that is a love letter from a girl. His anger increase. Immediately tearing the paper and put infront of porche while asking in anger..

What is this?

Otherside porche slowly up his face towards kinn. And
Huh.. What is this. He ask kinn.

Are you repeat my question said while he slap porche face hardly. Porche eyes become red while his tear roll down from his eyes..

 Porche eyes become red while his tear roll down from his eyes

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Don't you know what is this. Kinn ask. Porche who hear this turn his face towards the paper small pieces. And finally he understand what is this.

Oh.. One girl give it to me while propose.but,I rejected immediately. I think she put the letter in my bag. When i am not around.. Porche explain kinn. But kinn not in his mind. Becase his anger blind him.

Do you think, i trust your story... Kinn ask in anger.

You trust or not, that is the real. Porche said again to kinn.while giving death glare to kinn. Otherside kinn come near porche..and

I hate you,also don't show your face infront of me

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I hate you,also don't show your face infront of me. Kinn said in anger. Otherside porche who hear this immediately push kinn, and directely go to their wardrobes and take his dresses one by one and place their bed in angrily.

Otherside Kinn who saw this tears start to roll down. While asking.
Why are you take your all dress...

I leave this room... Porche said.Kinn who hear this immediately run to him and hug him from behind..

You know we can fight, but we can't leave each other. Kinn said while wipe his tears by porche shirt.

You are the one said. You don't like to saw my face. Porche said while turn to facing kinn...

I just angry.kinn said to porche while put his head on porche's chest

We can sleep now. Porche said while. Lay their bed. Otherside kinn put all porche cloths again in the wardrop.after some minutes he also come and lay beside porche. And kiss porche's chin, put his face on porche's neck while holding his hand. Otherside porche also kiss and hold kinn's hand. And start to sleep with a smirk face.

Because, that love letter didn't come to porche but to kinn.
That girl put the letter inside kinn bag. But porche saw it. So he take the letter and put it inside his book.

I HATE YOU but I LOVE YOUWhere stories live. Discover now