Guest & Games

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Liams POV

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?", we both said at the same time.

   "Well, this is my apartment. The one that my parents bought for me. Why are you here?", she asked.

   "This is the apartment that i bought". I looked at her as realization washed over my face. 

   "What? Why are you staring?", she asked.

   "Well, for one, we're each others surprise roommates. And also", I leaned in and whispered in her ear:

"You're still naked".

    She looked at me with her mouth open and then ran into her room blushing. I coulldn't help but stare.


   I'm still a guy even though I'm daddy direction.

Sue me.

Anais POV

   He saw me naked. Liam FREAKING Payne saw me naked. I don't know what i'm more upset about; him see seeing me naked or me having to put on clothes. 

   After putting on bra and panties, I throw on some basketball short and a white tank top. I put my hair in a bun and put on my favorite bracelet. It's orange with white hearts on it. After feeling satisfied with myself, i start to walk into the living. Before i go any further, I start to hear voices. Being the sneaky person that i am, i decide to eavesdrop.

   "So, when do we get to meet him?", When did Harry get here. 

   "How do you know my roommate is a boy? They could be a girl for all you know.", Liam says defensively.

   "Well, if they were a girl, Harry would've flirted with her already", Louis said. I nod y head in agreement. Harry is the flirt of the group.

   "I don't care who it is, do you guys have any food?"

   I don't even have to guess who that is.

  Since I can't hide in my room forever, i decide to walk out there.

  "Hey there guys". They all, except Liam, stare at me. At first i think it's funny. But after 5 mintues of constant staring, it's just creepy.

   "Guys", I say. "You know, you can say something". They stil don't move. 


   I run into my room and get 4 things:

A Mirror

My carrot shaped iPhone case

My stuffed animal (a cat)

A box of goldfish crackers

   I step back into the livingroom and place each item infront of the boys. 3....2.....1

They all scream. 


   That seemed to snap them out of their trance. 

   "I don't even know you and you're already my favorite best friend." Lous shouts then runs and gives me a hug. Soon it becomes a group hug. 

   After we were done hugging, the boys started lounging around. We ordered Nando's since Niall was literally in tears because he was hungry. After 30 minutes of waiting, and NIall yelling at me for never having Nando's, the food finall arrived.

20 minutes later

   Ugh! I'm so full! I don't know how Niall does it. Props to him!

   "We should play a game", Louis suggest.

   "Oh no! I've read way to many fan fictions to know that it nevers end well. Count me out!", I say. 

"Don't worry. This one will be different. I promise." Liam says reassuring everything.

   "Alright." I say giving in. 

What's the worst that can happen?


   "I can't believe this happened", I mumble angrily.

   "You got that right", Liam agrees.

Why are we mad you might be asking?

   Well, Liam and I just got dared to hold hands for the remainder of the game. 

Here's the best part:

We're Naked!!!

   Yeah, Harry thought it would be hilarious to dare me to hold Liam's hand naked for the rest of the game.

   "I'm gonna shave your head Styles." I say angrily.

   "Then i'll' sell it to some crazy, obsessed fan so she can find you and kidnap you", Liam adds on. 

   "Ooh! I like the way you think. HIGH FIVE!" we high five each other and somewhere along the wa, my bracelet falls off.

   Can you guys where it landed?


   Between. His. Legs.

   Now for all you directioners who are wondering if I looked, I did. And you guys were right about his 'package'.

   "Ok, well this has been fun, but you guys need to leave now!", I say as I start pushing them out the door. 

   "Ok. I guess we'll see you guys later on in the week.", Zayn says. 

Once they're all out, Liam and I run back to our rooms to put our clothes on.

   "Well, that was embarrassing", Liam says as he comes out of his room. 

"Right! Well, do you wanna have a movie night?", I suggest.


"Cool. All I have is disney  movies and mean girls, so you can choose."

   "Do you have Toy Story?, Liam asks excited.

   "Uhh Duh! Who doesn't?"

   His face lights up like a kid in a candy store. He runs to me, picks me up and spins me around. When he put me down, our faces are extremely close together.

   "I-uhh- guess i'll go make snacks." I studdered and hurried into the kitchen. Man, his eyes are so beautiful, yet so easy to get lost in. 

   I return back into the livingroom with a giant bowl of popcorn. Since there's only one couch, I lay my head on Liam's lap. I can't help it; he's so comfy. Like a giant, cute teddy bear. 

   During the movie, I hear faint snoring. I look up to find Liam sleep. Wow.  He looks so cute with his mouth opened a little. Within a few minutes my eyelids start drooping and before i know it, i find myself in a dreamless state. 


HELLO THERE! Ok, so i just wanna say a few things before i continue writing. 

1) There is a reason why you don't know who the girl looks like or the outfits or why there aren't any pictures. I want you guys to use your imagination. I know it seems like a kid thing, but by using your imagination, it's almost as if it's your story also. I'm just putting the words but you guys are making it your own in your mind. 

2) Please give me feedback. I want to know what your opinions are. I want you to tell me what you guys want, what you don't want, what food Niall wants. I want this story to be as much of yours as it is mine. Just don't steal it, but you get the gist of it.

3) For those who add my story to your library, I will do my best to upload at least 2 chapters everyday. It might get a little harder since I'm in college but since classes were canceled due to snow, i've had time.


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