Decisions & Discoveries

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So, I decided that from now on, I'm not going to write down a chapter first, then type it. I'm just going to type and see where it goes.


Awesome -_- Just my luck that my friends dad kidnapped us! I've always been a good child. Well, except for when I got a tattoo without my parents permission. But other than that, I've always been good.

"So sweetie, have you missed me?" Nikita's dad smiled evilly.

"Sure. Who wouldn't have missed their crazy, psychotic father who raped them!?"

Uh oh. This isn't going to be good.

In one fluid motion, he pulled his fist back and hit her. She fell back and hit her head on part of the dresser, knocking her out. DAMMIT! You just had to pass out!

"Well, looks like it's just me and you." He raked his eyes over my body hungrily.

CRAP! He wants to rape me!

As he starts moving closer to me, I panic and find the first thing I can use to hit him with; which, fortunately for me, was a lamp.

"FOR NARNIA!!" Before he could even try to understand why I said that, I hit him in the side of his head, knocking him out cold.

YES! Now to get Nikita and get out of here. But first I do a body search on her father to see if I can find any money (which I found) or a phone (which he had).

I use all the strength I have in my body to lift Nikita bridal style and carry her out of the building. Now to call someone.....


Where is she? I could've sworn she was here when I left. And she usually sleeps late on the weekends.

"Danielle, can you help me look for Anais in the flat?"

"Eww, no! I hate her! She took you away from me and----"

She was cut off by my ringtone. Thank Heavens!!


"Liam! I need you to come pick me and Nikita up from this bakery shop! Her dad kidnapped us and wanted to rape us. We escaped but we have no ride!"

I could hear the panic in her voice; she sounds so weak.

"Don't worry. I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Thank you" with that, she hangs up.

"Danielle, we have to go somewhere. Come on."

"But my feet hurt! I had to walk to Starbucks and then walk here. Now I have to walk to the car and ......"

Yeah, I pretty much zone her out. Why I'm still going along with this plan, is still a mystery; even for me.

As I pull up to the bakery that Anais was talking about, many things are going through my head: Is she okay? Was she hurt? Why won't Danielle shut the hell up already? She's been complaining since she got in the car.

I see Anais sitting on the cur with Nikita next to her. Nikita looks like she just woke up.

"Eww! Why are we picking up that!? I thought we were going to have a romantic day!"

"Thank you so much Liam!" Anais and Nikita both say getting in the backseat.

"Uh, Liam?" Nikita asks.


"I'm sorry, but I thought dogs weren't aloud to sit in the front seat."

Anais and her starts laughing uncontrollably while Danielle looks like she wants to rip their heads off.

"I wouldn't be laughing, Anais. You may have the last laugh, but I still have Liam."

She looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Is this true Liam?"

As much as it pains me to say this......

"Yes. Danielle and I are back together."

I look at her face through the mirror and it's emotionless.

"Well congrats. I hope all works out with you. Now I'm the only forever alone one in the group."

Hold. The. Fudge. Up!

"Wait, what do you mean forever alone? I thought you liked someone named Leroy."

She didn't answer back. Instead she just turned her head and looked out the window.

We finally made it back to the flat when I saw Anais packing up her things.

"Whoa. Why are you packing up?"

"Because it isn't safe to stay here. Her dad may come back and this flat will be the first place he comes to." She said with no emotion in her voice. "If you want to be bold, then stay. Otherwise, I suggest you pack up also. Maybe you can move back in with Danielle. Nikita and I are moving in with Harry."

She got the last of her things and left. There was already a taxi waiting to take them to his place. This is not how I imagined things.

"YAY!!!" And here we go again. "Now you can really come back home and we get to go back to how things were and ----"

"SHUT UP!! I'm not moving in with you. I'm not dating or fake dating you anymore! I don't want to be around you! You made my life a living hell and I won't go through that again!!!" I go to my room, pack up my things, and leave. I might as well see if I can stay with Zayn and Niall. I can't believe I screwed things up so bad.


I can't believe this. He's back with Danielle. Of all the people in the world, it's her.

"I can't believe he's back with her. After everything he's done to you guys. He's the definition of an asshole. I bet if you looked him up in a dictionary, his picture would be right there."

Her attempts of making me happy were working a little. I manage to giggle a little before we reach the boys flat.

"You go knock on the door and explain to them what happened while I get the bags out of the car." I told Nikita.

While I was going to get the bags out of the car, I saw a familiar brown quiffed head walking into an apartment across from us. Wow, that guy looks exactly like.....

"LIAM!!! Good to have you staying here bro!" Zayn said coming out of the apartment. HE STAYING WITH THEM!!! NOT DANIELLE! AND ACROSS FROM US!!!!!

When did my life turn into a flipping soap opera!?


So, I bet you guys are wondering what happened to the notebook? Don't worry. That book is going to show up........ but so is another person. Next chapter will be epic!!! But, I really want you guys to vote. 5 Votes and I'll upload the next chapter. 5 Votes is all I ask.

Yeah, I know. This is probably my worst chapter. But I promise to make it better!! But here's a song for you guys to listen to! I hope you enjoy it!!!!

It's Nothing by The Script

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