Forgive & Forget

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So, I'm literally just writing this off the top of my head. I have no idea when this story is going to end, or where it's going, but I do know that there will be a sequel. This story is pretty much humor and drama filled; but the next one.......... 


Of all the places that he could've ended up, it had to be across the street from us! UGH!!! Right when I slam the trunk down on the taxi, I turn around to find Niall. Wow, leprechaun sure is fast.

"Hey Niall." I'm too upset to say much.

"Hey Anais. I heard about what happened with you and Nikita. I hope you guys are okay." 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little pissed at the moment." 

"Wanna tell me all about it?" 

"Maybe later, if that's alright. Right now, I just wanna go inside and take a nap. I think I deserve a proper one." We chuckled and headed our separate ways. 

LESLIE POV (First pov :D)

"Hey Zayn, who was that on the phone?" I ask him as I lay across his bed lazily. 

"It was Liam. He's gonna be staying with us for a while because Nikita's dad kidnapped her and Anais. But they escaped. So now they left the flat because that would be the first place he would look if he ever came looking for them again."

Wow. I hope she's okay.

"And if you're wondering about Anais and Nikita, they're staying with Harry and Louis until they find a place of their own also."

Wow. I need to find out where they live. I need to go to check on them.

"They are staying across the street from us."

"How are you doing that?"

"You were thinking aloud." he said while laughing. I just stared at him while my face started to heat up from blushing. Literally, ever since I moved in with Zayn, he's made me blush every single day. I first it was cute, now I think he does it just to embarrass me. 

"Well, I'm going to shower and get dressed. If you need me, I'll be over there." I kissed his cheek and headed toward my room to take a shower.

After taking my shower, I put on a strapless striped shirt that has a bow on the side, a pair of skinny jeans, and my navy blue vans. (Don't worry. I'm not like Anais and do not only wear vans. El Oh El!)

"See ya guys. I'll be back later." I said to Niall and Zayn before heading across the street. 

I knock on Harry and Louis' door in an annoying fashion before the door opens. 

"You know, we do have a doorbell." Harry says annoyed, yet in his eyes, they look playful.

"Yeah, but I'd still find a way to make that annoying. May I come in to converse with Nikita and/or Anais?"

"Why are you talking like that? And come on in. Anais is sleep but Nikita is awake. But," He says grabbing me by the shoulders firmly, "Do not say anything about her cheek. I'm sure one of the other mates has told you about what happened and I don't want her stressing out about it. Got it?"

"Yes sir. I won't say anything to make her fee--- HOLY CRAP! WHAT THE FUDGE HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!!!" I scream at her once I walk into Harry's room.

I turn to look at Harry who may or may not be killing me in his head. Yeah, everything he just told me went in one  ear and out the other. Sorry.

"I'll leave you and big mouth alone to talk." Harry said to Nikita while still glaring at me.

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