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How To Make You Feel
(Stepan Belyaev Fanfiction)


⭐Julia's POV

Peace and quiet. This is all I need. Plus, a good book to read.

I let my imagination fly as I was so engrossed reading the last book in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series which is The Last Olympian.

As I was enjoying my discount ticket to everywhere (that's my poetic term for reading), I could not care less of what surrounds me.

It was only until someone shouted, "Go Stepan!" that my bubble of imagination popped.

I nearly jumped out of the bench since it was serene and the girl who squealed was behind me.

I hushed the girl and her friend but they just glanced my way and strutted near the area in this park where kids could skate.


I tried to concentrate again on my reading. Not long after, I got distracted again by giggles. I hushed them again and their giggles ebbed.

I tried to repeat reading the paragraph where I left off because I did not comprehend anything thanks to those giggling girls. But then, their giggles increased in volume.

I turned to them for the third time and I was more annoyed when more girls where already there giggling. They have their phones on their hands, probably taking pictures or even a video.

There was no need to look at the skating area just to know who were their eye candies.

Of course it would be no less than Leif Lunburg and his bestfriend Stepan Belyaev.

I rolled my eyes. Silly girls. I thought to myself. What the heck is so special about them? Well, their voice, maybe. After they joined that TV show The Voice Kids two years ago, they became instant celebrities. Not that they weren't popular before the show, because they actually were already. The boys (especially Stepan) were known at school even before since they perform and compete in singing contests and most of the girls find them cute and adorable.

TVK only made them more famous and more girls were dying to fish their attention.

Not that I hate them, I just don't like them. I don't talk to them and I don't want to be near them so long that any space would allow. It's not that I'm anti-social or socially awkward (because I am not), it's because I don't want to give them the idea that I am one of those thousand girls who are fangirling over them.

I fixed my glasses and gaze at the skating area. Leif was showing off a stunt with his skateboard flipping over. Girls were squealing like it was the best they have ever seen.

Tss. What is wrong with them?

Leif smiled at them for their cheers and they all giggled. My goodness!

Stepan was doing his own thing thing. It wasn't as impressive as Leif's but the girls saw it like it was the most amazing thing next to Harry Potter's spells.

Stepan finished his stunt and Leif taught him his trick. He tried to do as Leif instructed.


Stepan fell over with his skateboard. The girls gasped like everything on earth stopped.

Stepan was on the ground. I think that that fall hurt. I tried to suppress a giggle but I failed. I swear, the sight was priceless!

The most unexpected thing was Stepan looked at me.

No. He stared at me.

I felt my face heat up underneath my big glasses. Did he hear me? Gosh!

One thing led to another. He smiled at me.

I looked behind me. No one was there. I stared back at him and his smile got wider. Leif helped him up without breaking his eye contact with me.

I don't know what is with him and I couldn't stand him staring at me smiling so I hid my face with the book I was reading.

"Guess who?"

Someone covered my eyes. "Reina." I said. She removed her hands.

"You are no fun," she complained and sat beside me.

I laughed. "No one else would do that to me," I said in a matter-of-fact. "So, why are you here? You said you wouldn't come."

"Well, I changed my mind," she shrugged and looked ahead. I followed her line of sight and that answered my question.

"Please don't tell me you stalked Stepan that's why you're here."

"Of course not!" She said. I narrowed my eyes at her. "I just saw Leif posted on IG that he's skateboarding with Stepan and my feeds were photos of them here."

I rolled my eyes.

This is my best friend Reina. She is an average girl who is a dynamite in dancing. And she is not immune to Stepan's charm.

I shook my head and sighed. I thought better to move on with my life and finish this book I am holding.

Once again, I was interrupted when Reina grabbed my hand and gripped me.

Before I could protest, she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hallo Stepan!" she said. "Hallo Leif!" The two were passing our way.

"Hallo!" Stepan acknowledged her.

"Hallo Reina," Leif said with a timid smile.

She loosened her grip on me when the two already passed us.

"Hallo Stepan!" I mimicked her exaggeratedly to make fun of her. She slapped my arm and I laughed.

Stepan stopped and turn around smiling, "Hallo Julia."


A/N: So what do you think? :)
Be easy on me. This story is quite challenging since I am foreign with the setting. I have a cliché plot but I will try my best to have twists and make this exciting.

Please do comment and vote! Bitte bitte? Danke! XD

If you want to be characters or be mentioned in the story, you can message me here @oday_18 or tweet me @iamrHeinz

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Stay awesome guys and guten tag!


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