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How To Make You Feel
(Stepan Belyaev Fanfiction)


⭐Julia's POV

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Stepan said Hi! Stepan said Hi!"

I covered my ears because Reina would not stop chanting. She's even jumping while we are walking.

"Yes. Yes. Your Stepan said Hi. You can --"

"You heard it too! Oh meine Gott! Stepan said Hi! To me!" She cut me off mid-sentence. She held my hand and jumped again in full glee.

I just shook my head and continued to walk to our diner. She droned on living in her happy bubble and a mouthful of her Stepan.

My best friend had it real bad for that boy. I really don't see it with my four eyes what she saw in him. Is there something I'm missing here?

Sure, sure. His voice is nice but you can't possibly be in love just because of the vibration of someone's vocal cords, right? Right.

"Hallo Mr. Lore!" Reina greeted my dad when we entered our diner.

"Hallo, where have you been, girls?" My dad kissed the top of my head.

"Just chilling in the park, Dad. And Reina could not stop talking about Stepan," I chuckled.

"Stepan said Hi to me, Mr. Lore," Reina told my dad without hesitation. You see, she's very open with her feelings even with my dad. My dad treats her as her own daughter since the both of us are inseparable.

"Well, I have to get going now. My mom might search the whole neighborhood when I'm not home by 5:30." She said. "Bye Mr. Lore! Bye Julia! See you tomorrow." Then she left.

"Reina is extra chirppy today, pal." Dad said.

"She's always chirppy, Dad. Especially when Stepan is around."

"That kid in The Voice?"

"Ja. That's him."

My dad walked to the counter. "And that boy likes him?"

"I don't know, dad." I grabbed an apron and a cloth to help clean the counter. There are only a few customers at this time.

"What about you, pal? Do you like anyone now?" He asked.


"Was? I'm just asking." He laughed out loud.

My dad could be very interrogative just like how women are. I couldn't blame him, though. He's raising an only child all by himself. And since I happen to be a girl, he's probably finding something for us to connect. Anyway, I tell him everything since I lost my mom when I was six.

"Dad, I'm sixteen." I reminded him in case he has forgotten.

"I know. And sixteen year-old kids are dating these days," he said.

Oh meine Gott! My dad is creeping me out!

"Look at Reina. She is sixteen and she likes a boy."

"Well, Reina is an eighteen year old girl trapped in a sixteen year old's body." I said. "Dad, you're scaring me," I chuckled.

"And you," he touched my nose. I like it when he does that. "Are starting to worry me."

I knit my eyebrows, "Why?"

My dad chuckled, "I'm starting to think you're a tomboy."

My jaw dropped to the floor, "Was? Nein!"

My dad laughed out loud. He really finds me entertaining.

The bell by the door rang. It was a customer. And not just any customer, it was Leif.

"Hallo," he said.

"Hallo, what can I get you?" I asked courteusly.

"I'd take out two Aussies and two cokes, please."

My dad went to the kitchen to make his order while I prepared his cokes.

"You're Julia. Reina's friend, correct?" He asked.


His eyes scanned the place. "You work here?"

"Nein. My dad owns the place."

"Cool. So do you often hangout here?"

"Almost everyday," I said in honesty. "Why do you ask?"

He was not able to answer because my dad came back with his order. He paid and grabbed his food.

"Danke." He smiled to me before leaving while he said, "See you around."

Okay? What was that about?

"So how about that kid, pal? He seems pretty nice," my dad started.

"Dad, no. Just no."

"Aw, come on."

"His name is Leif, dad. He also joined The Voice just like Stepan," I explained trying to make a point.


"So, he is popular." Duh?

"And what is wrong with that?"

"Seriously, Dad. Do you want me to date already?"


I just looked at him and waited for his answer.

"Nein. I'm just preparing myself when that time comes, kiddo." Dad enveloped me with a hug.

"Aw, dad. I promise it won't be too soon," I chuckled.

"Good, because I don't want you to grow up so fast. You are still my baby."

Our little moment was broken when my phone rang. It was Reina.

The instant I placed my phone on my ear, I heard an earsplitting squeal. I distanced the phone to save my eardrums. After her shrill cry, I started to talk.

"Hey, what happened?" She squealed again.

"Reina, have mercy on my eardrums. Bitte!"

"Okay, okay. I'll stop now," she was still hyper. Oh boy, I think I know what has caused this. "Guess what?"

"A handsome thief barged into your room?"

"Nein? You could be more creative than that."

"Hmm. A school on the sky fell off to your roof?"

"Tss. Julia, you use your imagination too much. Stick to reality."

"Okay, quit beating around the bush. Spit it out already." What's with all the suspense?

"Stepan followed me on Instagram!" She squealed one more time.

"Well then, congratulations," I said lazily. She did not even notice it and she hang up immediately. Huh, probably too excited. God! She's a hopeless case.

My phone suddenly vibrated and it was a notification on my IG:

stepanbelyaevofficial folgt dir jetzt.


A/N: Hallo! A vote and your thoughts, please? Ahaha.

In this chapter, I used some German here and I will be doing it also in the next chapters. So, you have to start learning eh? Haha Those were only a few.

Anyway, thank you so much for supporting my first chapter! I appreciate it! Danke! ;)

Hi IchLiebeEuchStepan ! TY for the mentionS on your story. I promise next chapter. ;)

Stay awesome #Belyaeveers! :*

Twitter accts:
Admins: @iamrHeinz (me)


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